Home World News Asia PDP sent a Contribution to International Anti-Fascist Conference in Minsk on April...

PDP sent a Contribution to International Anti-Fascist Conference in Minsk on April 22

On April 22, International Anti-Fascist Conference was held in Minsk. It is hosted by the Communist Party of Belarus and the Communist Party Of The Russian Federation (KPRF)

People’s Democracy Party (South Korea) was invited and sent the contribution, “The period of the great turn, beyond the period of great transition, towards the period of the great upsurge” to the conference.

In the contribution, PDP explained the tense situation around Korean peninsula and the relation between the wars in Taiwan and in South Korea.

At the end of the contribution, PDP mentioning the history of the October revolution in 1917, stressed the importance of the role of the scientific guidance, the locomotive of revolution.

The full text is as below :

The period of the great turn, beyond the period of great transition, towards the period of the great upsurge

The war in Ukraine was clearly provoked by the US imperialism and NATO. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern European socialism, NATO has threatened Russia with a relentless eastward expansion policy. What does the fact tell us that the imperialist forces dissolved Yugoslavia and Nato bombed Belgrade in 1999? What is the goal of their strategy, as Brezinsky‘s “Great Chessboard,” to bring not only France, Germany and Poland but also Ukraine into NATO? What is the intention of U.S. imperialists in making the extreme fascist Bandera a Ukrainian “hero” and systematically fostering neo-Nazi forces instead of putting him on trial for war crimes? Who controlled and supported the Ukrainian fascist forces that massacred tens of thousands of people in Donbas alone for eight years since the Maidan coup in 2014. As the documentary testifies, what is burning in Ukraine is the madness of fascism, and its victims are entirely ethnic Russians. It is NATO that is spreading fake news with the 21st century Ukrainian version of “Operation Gladio,” and it is the people of the world who are being deceived. Even without mentioning the history of the Duchy of Kievan Rus and Lenin’s proposition, “Ukraine is the head of Russia,” the entire world now knows that Russians and Ukrainians are almost one nation, as shown in the statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DPRK. In conclusion, the problem between Russia and Ukraine is a national internal problem, and no foreign forces should intervene.

It is essentially no different from the China-Taiwan or North Korea-South Korea issue. China has recognized Taiwan as an inalienable territory since the Middle Ages, and Taiwan’s indigenous population is only 2%. Korea has been a completely single nation since at least 5,000 years ago. As history teaches, the intervention of imperialist foreign powers has led to bloody wars and disorder, and in this course the people have always paid the price. We have to remember the objective fact that 2.4 million people in the North and 2.5 million in the South were slaughtered in the 1950s Korean War, mainly by the US imperialism. We should not forget the fact that the US imperialism, which dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nakasaki, also considered to drop the atomic bomb on Korea and China when it became unfavorable in the war. Korea is both a victim and a victor nation in the war against Japanese militarism, but the absurd history that Korea should be divided instead of the war criminal Japan is entirely due to the US imperialism. The US imperialism, which used nuclear weapons for the first time in the history of mankind, has never stopped trying to invade North Korea since it occupied South Korea in 1945 and has not hidden its diabolical intention to use tactical nuclear weapons against North Korea in this course.

It is also the US imperialism that has formed the so-called “the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral military alliance” and mobilizes the US nuclear carriers and nuclear bombers to conduct the nuclear war exercises against North Korea daily. To this end, the US imperialism elected the pro-US fascist Yoon Suk-yeol, a combination of Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky, as a South Korean President last year and manipulated and supported him to turn South Korea into a tundra of human rights and democracy, and the prison of fascism less than a year when he became the president. On early April, it is also the US imperialism to organize the Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s visit to US, provoking China as much as possible, and at the end of April, to make the South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s visit to the US, prompting and provoking North Korea at the peak. The US imperialism intends to complete to form “the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral alliance” and preparation for a nuclear war against North Korea, by Yoon’s visit to the US and the US-South Korea summit. Therefore, it is not surprising that ahead of his visit to the US, he remarked to directly support the weapon to Ukraine. If we do not overthrow Yun Seok-yeol, the worst pro-US fascist and warmonger in history, who is the main agent of US imperialism, promotes the revival of Japanese militarism and provokes a nuclear war with North Korea, with outbreak of “the second Korean war”, the Korean peninsula could be turned into a nuclear battlefield and graveyard. In other words, while the war in Ukraine broke out in Eastern Europe in 2022, the wars in South Korea and Taiwan are very likely in East Asia in 2023. The war in South Korea and the war in Taiwan are closely linked, and if one breaks out, the other will break out almost at the same time.

There is no other reason why South Korean people are struggling every week in Gwanghwamun Square in the center of the capital, insisting “Resign the Yoon Suk-yeol government” and “Down with Yoon Suk-yeol”. The South Korean economy, which is subordinated to the imperialist monopoly capital and structurally distorted, is very vulnerable to an external shock. Its vulnerability is further deepened by the IMF crisis of 1997 and the US financial crisis of 2008, and it reached the verge of explosion by the unprecedented “COVID-19 pandemic” and the “three highs panic” of high oil price, high interest rate, high dollar. It is no coincidence that among industrialized societies, South Korean workers and workers in the workplace where there is endless competition and endless exploitation, where they work the longest hours and have the lowest wages, and most of them are temporary workers, record the highest suicide rate in the world. The South Korean people on the brink of the cliff of “hell Joseon” have no other way out but the uprising, and have nothing to lose but their chains of imperialism and fascism.

As in Russia a hundred years ago, the people in the collapse of their livelihood and the war crisis, will follow the scientific guidance, the locomotive of revolution, will move forward on the path of fundamental transformation. In the historical period of the great turn, beyond the period of great transition, to the period of the great upsurge, it is the motive force of revolution that plays a decisive role. Our party is convinced of the slogans “Proletarians Of The World, Unite” and “ The People United Will Never Be Defeated”. We are convinced of the power of the scientific truth, and the power of working people united around revolutionary party of working class. Under the banner of communism and internationalism, we who organize the working people and be in solidarity with the world people, are certain that the task of justice, the task of revolution, to advance the realization of a new society in which the people are the masters of the regime and the means of production, and to continue to move forward for the final victory of the people should win.

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