Home Article People’s Democracy Party Held the Historical Third Party Congress, Clarifying “Twenty-first Century...

People’s Democracy Party Held the Historical Third Party Congress, Clarifying “Twenty-first Century Revolution Theory”

People’s Democracy Party(People’s Party) held a historical third party congress on May 14 at 10 a.m. at the Jeonil building in Gwangju.

The first part of the party congress started with an opening address by Ahn Hak-sop, a unswerving Communist serving prison sentences in the South and an advisor of the PDP. He stressed “We must immediately expel foreign forces and establish a unified regime and government.” and ”In order to do so, the People’s Democracy Party must fight more vigorously and become the subject of the seizure of power.”

In congress, delegation of progressive political parties and organizations in 22 countries including Venezuela, Russia, the United Kingdom, Belarus, France, Switzerland. Chile and the United States, showed their active support and solidarity. 

Ricardo Molina, the former vice president of Venezuela, greeted that “We congratulate the People’s Democratic Party of South Korea for the holding of its 3rd Congress and for its historical perseverance, an example for the peoples of the world.” in solidarity speech.  

The secretary of the Leningrad Party of Russian Communist Workers’ Party, Dmitrii Kuzmin, spoke “RCWP considers the situation in Ukraine as a war of US and NATO imperialism against the Russian Federation and its allies” and  “We are ready to further strengthen the relations of friendship and cooperation between our fraternal parties – we are in the same class formation!”.

The Vice President of the Communist Party of Great Britian (Marxist-Leninist), Joti Brar analyzed current political situation, saying “At this very moment, our rulers are engaged in a criminal proxy war of aggression that is aimed at destroying the independence and sovereignty of Russia. This plan for proxy war and destruction is also what they are preparing for China and for Korea.”

Also, she added “We wish you every success with your congress, and in your important work of mobilizing workers in south Korea against imperialist domination and for national liberation.”

In the second part, after reading the report, there was a discussion in support from regions and sectors. The revision of the programme and election of a member of the Party Central Committee were passed unanimously.

The representative of a People’s Democracy Party, Lee Sang-hun, read the report. The report was consist of three parts. First is “advent of the period of the great turn”, second is “shifts to the period of great transition” and third is “towards the period of great upsurge”.

In the first part, “advent of the period of the great turn”, it said “In the period under review, the world situation changed dramatically. In 2022, war in Ukraine began in eastern Europe, and in 2023, wars in south Korea and Taiwan are imminent in east Asia.” Specifically, it analyzed “Russia, the DPRK and China are anti-imperialist forces and the USA and Europe are imperialist forces.” and “From the position of the first side, the war is a just war, while from the second side, the war is an unjust war.”. In short, it emphasized “South Korea is moving towards a situation of uprising as a result of the growing economic and war crisis.” 

In the second part, “shifts to the period of great transition”, it spoke up “Today, the only issue that affects the entire world is anti-imperialism.” and “All those who can be mobilized for anti-imperialism, whether communist or non-communist forces, must be brought together to fight against the imperialists, forming one bloc that transcends ideological differences.” Later it convinced “A new seesaw system has been formed, with the imperialist camp led by major imperialist forces on the right side and China and Russia centred by the DPRK on the left.” and “On a global scale, the anti-imperialist camp will be stronger, and the imperialist camp will be weaker.”

In the third part, “Towards the period of the great upsurge”, it explained  “Twenty-first century revolution theory is ‘people-centred combined with advanced science. ‘People-centred’ refers to 21st-century political revolutions, while ‘Advanced science’ refers to 21st-century scientific revolution.” It announced “The aim of the 21st-century political revolution is to build politics for the people and by the people.” Also, it stated “The success of the people’s democratic revolution depends on how fast the fundamental and decisive changes can be achieved, without mistakes, in socioeconomic development and the improvement of people’s lives.” and “Constructing a self-reliant mutually prosperous economy, advancing from welfare by reappropriation to people-centred welfare, represents the general line of economic construction of the People’s Democracy Party.”

The representative of a People’s Democracy Party, Lee Sang-hun, evaluated “During the period under review, our party, with a correct line, dedication and struggle, has achieved remarkable outcomes in every part of propagating, organising, practice, international solidarity, finance, and security.” At the end, he put stress on saying “Our party’s conviction can be summarised with two slogans, whose truth has been demonstrated by history and practice, “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” and “The people, united, will never be defeated!””. 

After a party congress, a party central committee meeting was held.

At the party central committee meeting, it put forward the representative, and it elected delegation, the party committee on budget and accounts organization, a chairman of party committee on budget and accounts, the party committee of the party disciplinary organization and central party chairman of the party disciplinary organization. 

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