Home World News Asia Joint Rally in Seoul “Oppose the G7’s Asian NATO plot! Down with...

Joint Rally in Seoul “Oppose the G7’s Asian NATO plot! Down with pro-US pro-Japaneses Yoon!”

On May 20, the rally in front of the US embassy in Seoul was jointly organised by 5 groups, including the World Anti-imperialist Platform, the People’s Democracy Party, the Headquarters for the Anti-US Struggle, the Anti-Japanese Joint Action and the Anti-Fascist People’s Action.

Participants chanted the slogan, “Oppose G7 scheming Asian NATO!” “Condemn the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral alliance!” “Down with pro-US pro-Japanese warmonger Yoon government!” “No to nuclear war maneuvers against North Korea!” and “Withdraw all US foreign bases, the root cause of nuclear war!”

Bartosz Bieszczad, Communist Party of Poland, gave a speech in international solidarity.

He said “Warmongers are gathering now in G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan to discuss and coordinate their aggressive plans, US imperialism and its allies already provoked war in Ukraine and now they are planning a new war in Asia. The presence of Zelenski is a clear message that the war is coming to the Asian continent.”

“It is no accident that the summit takes place in Hiroshima. This is to show that US will now hesitate before using its weapons of mass destruction yet again. Hiroshima was chosen to threaten and intimidate the people and the resistance with a perspective of a nuclear strike.” and “US and its allies are using Ukrainian people and they are planning to use Korean people, Polish people, inhabitants of Taiwan as their proxy army, a cannon fodder in their plot for a complete global dominance of Western financiers and oligarchs,” he added.

As Emphasizing “We can’t allow this to happen. None of us have anything to gain from this agenda. We unite here to oppose the plans of imperialism to start World War III. Imperialism and its warmongering agenda has to be defeated,” he chanted the slogans “People united will win! No to Asian NATO! US troops out of Korea!”

After the rally, participants marched from the US embassy to Japanese embassy, holding the banners “Stop War Cooperation Between the US-Japan-South Korea! No Nuclear War Maneuvers Against North Korea! Oppose Scheme To Build Asian Version Of Nato, G7! Withdraw All US Foreign Bases!”

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