Home World News Asia Statement in Hiroshima, Seoul, Paris and Frankfurt “Let Us Put an End...

Statement in Hiroshima, Seoul, Paris and Frankfurt “Let Us Put an End to Aggressive Imperialist Forces, Who Are Scheming World War III!”

On May 20, the People’s Democracy Party (South Korea), condemning the G7 Summit in Hiroshima from May 19 to 21, stated the spokesperson report “Let Us Put an End to Aggressive Imperialist Forces, Who Are Scheming World War III!”

It was announced in Hiroshima (Japan), in front of US embassy and Japan embassy in Seoul (South Korea), in Paris (France) and Frankfurt (Germany) in Korean, English, French and Japanese.

In Hiroshima,

In Seoul

In Frankfurt

In Paris

The statements of each language version are as follows :

Korean / English / Japanese


[대변인실보도(논평) 522]

3차세계대전을 획책하는 제국주의침략세력 끝장내자!

1. G7정상회의의 침략본색이 노골화되고 있다. 보도에 따르면 우크라이나대통령 젤렌스키가 G7회의에 대면으로 참석한다. 우크라이나신나치모리배 젤렌스키는 미제침략세력의 전쟁대리인으로써 러시아침략을 책동하고 우크라이나내 러시아계주민을 학살해온 전대미문의 전쟁범죄자다. 이런 자가 G7회의에 참석한다는 것은 러시아에 대한 명백한 선전포고며 러시아를 극도로 자극하는 망동이다. 제국주의침략세력과 친미전쟁광무리들의 결집소인 G7회의로 인해 코리아반도·동아시아핵전쟁만이 아니라 3차세계대전이 촉발되고 있다.

2. G7정상회의에서 대러경제제재를 또 예고하며 제국주의국가들이 자기무덤을 파고 있다. 미정부고위당국자는 <모든 G7국가가 새로운 제재와 수출통제시행을 준비하고 있다>고 떠들었다. 구체적으로 러시아와 다른국가 내 70개기업이 미상무부의 <블랙리스트>에 올라가며 제재 300건이 추가로 부과된다. 앞서 4월 일본과 유럽연합이 미국의 대러시아수출전면금지에 반발한 이유는 제재로 인해 경제위기·민생파탄이 심화된 쪽은 러시아가 아니기에 그렇다. 헝가리총리 오르반은 작년 여름 대러경제제재에 대해 <유럽경제는 자기 허파에 총을 쏜 것>이라고 비유했다. 제국주의침략국가들은 또다시 자기허파에 총을 난사하고 있다. 

3. G7정상회의결과대로라면 3차세계대전은 불가피하다. 미제침략세력을 위시로 한 침략세력들은 우크라이나를 살상무기전시장으로 전락시키며 전쟁장기화를 획책하는 한편, 전장을 확대하기 위해 G7공동성명에 <대러시아제재회피에 대항>, <대만해협의 평화와 안정>을 명시하려 한다. 더해 미·일·남정상회담의 주의제는 대북선제핵타격을 위한 북미사일정보의 실시간공유와 3국합동군사연습강화다. 북·중·러를 겨냥한 <신냉전>구도조작은 코리아반도·동아시아핵전쟁을 불러오며 나아가 전세계민중을 핵전쟁참화에 몰아넣는다. 미제국주의와 침략세력들을 끝장내고 3차세계대전을 막기 위한 반제반미투쟁에 코리아민중과 전세계민중들이 총궐기해야 할 때다. 

2023년 5월20일
민중민주당(민중당) 대변인실


[Spokesperson Report 522] 

Let Us Put an End to Aggressive Imperialist Forces, Who Are Scheming World War III!

1. The aggressive nature of G7 summit is becoming more obvious. According to the media, Ukrainian President Zelensky will attend the G7 meeting in person. Zelensky, a neo-Nazi and a war profiteer, is an unprecedented war criminal, who has provoked aggression against Russia as a war puppet of the aggressive US forces, and has massacred Russian residents in Ukraine. The truth that this man will attend the G7 meeting will be a clear declaration of war against Russia and an extremely provocative and reckless behaviour against Russia. The G7 meeting, which brings together the aggressive imperialist forces and pro-US warmongers, is unleashing not only the nuclear war in the Korean Peninsula and East Asia, but also a Third World War.

2. The imperialist countries are shooting themselves in the foot by announcing economic sanctions against Russia again at the G7 summit. The US top official says that all G7 countries are preparing to implement new sanctions and export controls. Specifically, 70 companies in Russia and other countries will be put on the ‘blacklist’ of the US Department of Commerce and 300 additional sanctions will be imposed. The reason Japan and EU opposed the US plan to ban all exports to Russia in last April is that it is not Russia who has suffered from the economic crisis and collapsing livelihoods caused by sanctions. Last summer, Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary, likened the sanctions against Russia to “the European Union has shot itself in the lungs”. The imperialist aggressive countries are again blindly shooting themselves in the lungs.

3. According to these results of the G7 summit, a World War III is inevitable. The aggressive powers led by the US imperialism are planning to prolong the war by turning Ukraine into an exhibition for weapons of mass destruction, while in order to expand the battlefield, they are trying to specify in the G7 joint statement: “to counter any attempts to evade and undermine our sanction measures against Russia”, and “to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait”. In addition, the main topics of the USA-Japan-South Korea summit will be about sharing real-time North Korean missile information and strengthening trilateral joint military exercises for preemptive strike on North Korea’s nuclear weapons. The manipulation of the ‘New Cold War’, targeting North Korea, China, and Russia  will lead to the nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula and in East Asia, and will also drive the people of the world into the devastation of nuclear war. It is time for the Korean people and all the people of the world to rise up in the anti-imperialist, anti-US struggle to put an end to the US imperialism and the aggressive forces and to prevent World War III.

May 20, 2023

Spokesperson Office of the People’s Democracy Party (PDP)

[スポークスマンのレポート 522]


1. G7サミットの攻撃的な性格がより明白になってきている。メディアによると、ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領がG7サミットに直接出席するとのことである。ゼレンスキーはネオナチであり、戦争の利得者であり、侵略的な米軍の傀儡政権としてロシアへの侵略を挑発し、ウクライナに住むロシア人を虐殺した戦争犯罪者である。この人物がG7サミットに出席するということは、ロシアに対する明確な宣戦布告であり、ロシアに対する極めて挑発的で無謀な振る舞いである。侵略的帝国主義勢力と親米戦争勢力が一堂に会するG7サミットは、コリア半島と東アジアの核戦争だけでなく、第三次世界大戦を解き放つものである。

2. 帝国主義諸国は、G7サミットで再びロシアに対する経済制裁を発表し、自らの足を撃っている。米国の高官は、すべてのG7諸国が新たな制裁と輸出規制を実施する準備を進めていると述べている。具体的には、ロシアなどの70社が米商務省の「ブラックリスト」に載り、300の追加制裁が課されることになる。昨年4月、日本やEUが米国によるロシアへの輸出全面禁止計画に反対したのは、制裁による経済危機や生活崩壊で苦しんだのは、ロシアではないからだ。昨年夏、ハンガリーのビクトル・オルバン首相は、対ロシア制裁を「欧州連合が自らの肺を撃つ」ことに例えた。侵略的な帝国主義諸国は、再び盲目的に自らの肺を撃っているのである。

3. G7サミットの結果によっては、第三次世界大戦は不可避である。米帝国主義を中心とする侵略勢力は、ウクライナを大量破壊兵器の展示場にして戦争を長引かせようと画策し、戦場を拡大するために、G7共同声明にこう明記しようとしている: 「ロシアに対する制裁措置を回避し、弱体化させようとするあらゆる試みに対抗する」、「台湾海峡の平和と安定を維持する」。また、米・日・韓首脳会談では、北コリアへの先制核攻撃のための北コリアのミサイル情報のリアルタイム共有と3カ国合同軍事演習の強化が主な議題となる。北コリア、中国、ロシアをターゲットにした「新冷戦」の操作は、コリア半島と東アジアでの核戦争につながり、世界の人々を核戦争の惨禍に追い込むことになる。南コリアと世界の民衆は、米帝国主義と侵略勢力に終止符を打ち、第三次世界大戦を阻止するために、反帝国主義・反米闘争に立ち上がるべき時である。



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