Home World News Asia People’s Democracy Party, demonstration in front of the US embassy in Seoul “Oppose...

People’s Democracy Party, demonstration in front of the US embassy in Seoul “Oppose G7 scheming Asian version of NATO! Overthrow Yoon Suk-yeol! Withdraw US forces from South Korea!”

On May 21, People’s Democracy Party in South Korea held a demonstration “Oppose G7 scheming Asian version of NATO! Overthrow Yoon Suk-yeol! Withdraw US forces from South Korea!” in front of the US Embassy in Seoul.

Members chanted the slogan “Oppose G7 scheming Asian version of NATO!”, “Stop nuclear war maneuvers against North Korea!”, “Overthrow pro-US pro-Japanese warmonger Yoon government!” and “Withdraw US forces from South Korea!”

A representative of the People’s Democracy Party emphasized “Who is that massacred the 14,000 Slavs in Donbass colluding with neo-Nazis for last 8 years and prepared to attack Russia with US-Nato?” and “It’s unspeakable that Zelensky, who lighted the fuse of World War III, speaks peace”

Thus he said “The meeting of two puppets of US imperialist and fascist who scheming war will become mockery of all over the world.”, “Yoon Suk-yeol is pushing the fate of our nation and people on this land into the vortex of World War III.” and “People’s Democracy Party, with all of the people who loves justice and peace on this land, will crush down the imperialist war drive and down pro-US warmonger fascist Yoon government and build a new people’s democracy society at any cost.”

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