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The Athens Conference of the Platform, the wars in South Korea and Taiwan are “the National Liberation War and the Fatherland Reunification War”

On June 10, the organizer of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, coordinator of the Corean International Forum, Stephen made an important speech at the Athens Conference “World war and the duties of the anti-imperialists – One war Two fronts”. 

At first, the organizer of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, coordinator of the Corean International Forum, Stephen delivered his presentation, and the representative of the Collective of struggle for the Revolutionary Unification of Humanity (Greece), Dimitrios Patelis made his speech.

Stephen pointed out that “South Korea is on the eve of war”, “In fact, recently, the imperialist powers held a G7 meeting in Hiroshima from May 19 and 21 to prompt the finalisation of the formation of an Asian version of NATO. Even Zelensky participated in the meeting, during which the aggressive intentions to expand the Ukrainian war in Eastern Europe to the South Korean and Taiwan wars in East Asia, and more blatantly, their “proxy war” and “hybrid war” methods based on the “New Cold War” strategy, were exposed.”

“From the viewpoint of the North, the war in South Korea will be a war against the U.S. military, which entered the South as an occupation army and retains control of the South’s operational authority; a war of national liberation and national reunification; and a just war in which Korea, which has been a single nation for half a millennium, will be united again. By contrast, it will be an imperialist and unjust war from the U.S. side”, he added. 

At the last, he stressed that “We are convinced that the harder a flint is struck, the brighter it shines, and that the militant practical struggle and sharp ideological struggle of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform will continue to shine brighter and brighter, contributing to the correction of errors within the world anti-imperialist movement and the international communist movement and strengthening the new tide of unity.”

Next, Dimitrios Patelis remarked that “The presence of our comrades here is not accidental. It comes to confirm the amazing common elements that can be detected by a rudimentary study of the history of the countries and the national liberation, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, and revolutionary struggles of our much suffering peoples.”

Additionally, he said “22.1.1951 the Greek internationalist soldiers Stavros Kassandras and Nikos Pitsikas were executed because they refused to fight against the revolution of the heroic people of Korea, they refused to become instruments of the war machine of US imperialism.” 

“The communists, through the self-sacrifice of the fighters of the Greek Democratic Army, despite their military defeat by the overwhelmingly superior imperialist forces, succeeded in delaying enemy troops from engaging in the war against the revolutions of the brotherly peoples of Korea and China. In this way, as a component of the world revolutionary forces, they are de facto, and without realizing it, contributed to the victory of the revolutions there and to the consolidation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC).”, he highlighted. 

The speeches received a big applause. Audience’s questions were followed. There were the questions about the war crisis in East Asia, the standpoint about the reunification of Korea, and the World Anti-imperialist Platform.

After Stephen gave the answers about the historical background and the war crisis of East Asia, audiences nodded, saying “we are agree with you”, “it is the reasonable.”

The conference was ended with the standing ovation.

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