Home World News Europe June World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle – Cologne, Germany

June World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle – Cologne, Germany

On June 17, World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle was held in Cologne, Germany.

The people of Cologne had a positive reaction. One citizen clapped after hearing the speech of a participant. Another citizen approached the particiapant to ask for a donation and expressed agreement with the content of the rally. 

They announced a speech “Imminent World War, the task of anti-imperialist and anti-NATO movement”

The speech is as follows :

Imminent World War, the task of anti-imperialist and anti-NATO movement

The Ukraine war in Eastern Europe broke out due to the provocative aggressive policy of NATO, and the war clouds spread in Taiwan and South Korea in East Asia, the unity and solidarity are most demanded importantly more than ever for  communist and anti-imperialist forces.

The cause and responsibility of war are entirely on the imperialism. World wars like World War I and World War II and local wars like the Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq War, and Syria War all caused by imperialism. The imperialist aggressors who have been pressuring Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union, causing the Ukrainian War in Eastern Europe, are now accelerating the Taiwan War and the South Korean War in East Asia. The US imperialist aggressors are conducting “Air Defender 23” from 12 to 23 June which is the largest aerial aggressive exercise against Russia, setting the NATO at the head which is the imperialists’ aggressive apparatus, with 10,000 military troops and 250 warplanes including fighter jets and aircraft mobilized from 25 countries including the US. Until recently, the US imperialist with Japan and the Philippines have conducted aggressive exercises against China in the South China Sea, and the US imperialist with Japan and South Korea have conducted nuclear war exercises against North Korea near Jeju Island. The US-NATO threat of nuclear aggression is the most serious provocation, the aggressive military exercises disguising peace clearly show  who the provocateurs of nuclear war are.

At the present, the most high possibility of nuclear war in Eastern Europe and East Asia theatre has special characters in different level with the theatre in Middle East with constant military conflicts and the theatre in Latin America with military tension and it is the most dangerous regions where tactical nuclear weapons could be used in the actual warfare. The US imperialist has deployed tactical nuclear missiles B61-12 in the field in Germany, Italy, Belgium, Poland, etc across Europe and in East Asia, stealth bombers F-35, which can carry B61-12, are frequently conducting the nuclear war exercise against North Korea. Especially, since pro-American puppet Yoon Suk-yeol was elected in South Korea last year, he is seriously conducting the actual war exercise at an unprecedented level so far this year.

The fascist warmonger Yoon Suk-yeol in South Korea, more intensifying the nuclear war crisis in East Asia, essentially has no difference with Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Ukraine. The meeting between Yoon Suk-yeol and Ukrainian neo-fascist President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, shows that the flame of war is moving from Eastern Europe to East Asia. Yoon promised “to support the lethal weapon” to Ukraine and is mounting the nuclear war crisis in East Asia, strengthening the Asian version of NATO, the US-Japan-South Korea “trilateral military alliance.” It is Yoon Suk-yeol who is a destroyer of peace and a national traitor, provoking the Third World War.

In this city, Cologne, which was devastated by imperialism in the World War II, the anti-imperialist and anti-NATO struggle for the liberation of the world people has a special significance in the present. In the historical anti-imperialist war, the world anti-imperialist forces including the international communist forces have to strongly conduct the anti-imperialist and anti-NATO struggle against the NATO including the main enemy, US imperialist. The World Anti-imperialist Platform unites the working class and working people under the banner of anti-imperialism and, holding the anti-imperialist and anti-NATO joint actions, plays a vanguard role in advancing a new day of true communism. Keeping the scientific idea of the working class proven by the history and practice as the scientific conviction for revolution, we are convinced of the great victory of the people, that the shining era after the victory of the Second World War will come again.

Workers of the World, Unite!

The People United Will Never Be Defeated!

June 17, 2023 

The World Anti-imperialist Platform

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