Home World News Europe “Free Kononovich brothers! Disband Imperialist Nato Alliance!”, urgent solidarity struggle in front...

“Free Kononovich brothers! Disband Imperialist Nato Alliance!”, urgent solidarity struggle in front of US embassy in Seoul

On July 8, the world anti-imperialist joint struggle was hosted in front of the US embassy of south Korea by the world anti-imperialist platform, which urged to release the Kononovich brothers in Ukraine. 

The Secretary of the Seoul Committee of the PDP remarked “we demand to release and ensure the personal safety of the Kononovich brothers, who are forcibly under house arrest and face the threat of far-right terrorism and death. 

“The Zelensky government of Ukraine globally keeps the war under the direction of the imperialist Nato and domestically oppresses the people in fascist way, who are struggling against the aggressive war of Nato and their fascist government,” and “We, who are struggling with the world anti-imperialist platform, under the banner of independence, resolve to make a strong solidarity with the Kononovich brothers beyond our rage,” he added. 

The participants chanted powerfully the slogans “Free Kononovich brothers!” “Solidarity with the Ukrainian antifascist resistances!” “Disband the imperialist Nato Alliance!”, and “Oppose the Asian version of Nato!”

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