Home World News Europe Anti-imperialism and anti-NATO demonstration demonstration in Frankfurt, Germany

Anti-imperialism and anti-NATO demonstration demonstration in Frankfurt, Germany

On October 14, the World Anti-imperialist Platform held the Anti-imperialism and anti-NATO demonstration in Frankfurt, Germany.

Participants held signs “Defeat for the NATO-led Imperialist Alliance!”, “Germany out of NATO!(Deutschland raus aus der NATO!)”, “Let’s be on the right side of history!(Seien wir auf der richtigen Seite der Geschichte!)”

The member of the PDP had a speech in the demonstration, as follows:

A new Middle East war is unfolding. Israeli far-right Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared an “all-out war” and is launching a major armed aggression on Gaza in response to the clashes that began with a bombing attack on Israel by the Palestinian militant organization Hamas on July 7. On the 13th, Israel issued a so-called “evacuation order” for half of the residents of the Gaza Strip and to divide popular sentiment in Gaza, manipulating to isolate Hamas.

While the Western propaganda has been calling Hamas’s armed struggle “terrorism,” the truth cannot be hidden by the palm of your hand. It is no secret that the Zionists, who artificially founded Israel on the land of the Palestinian people with the backing of the US aggressive forces, have been dominating and massacring the Palestinian people since its establishment. In particular, Netanyahu, who was elected to power late last year making promise of expanding Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and discriminatory measures against Palestinians, and won the long-term seizure of power. He launched a massive invasion of Gaza from January this year to divert Israeli resistance to the judicial reforms in Israel. According to the United Nations, 227 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces and settlers between the beginning of the year and mid-September, 189 of them were killed in the West Bank. These facts show that Palestinians have been unilaterally forced to suffer and sacrifice by the Israeli far-right. This attack by Hamas is a struggle for justice that was inevitably launched when Israeli oppression and massacres reached a point where it could no longer be tolerated.

First and foremost, it is important to note that US imperialist forces are behind this war. The US imperialist powers have historically colluded with the Zionists, armed Israel, used it as a lever for hegemony in the Middle East, and carried out aggression and massacres against Palestinians and other anti-US independence  forces. In particular, this war was caused by the Biden administration’s manipulation of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) with the intention of destroying China’s One Belt One Road relations with the region, and its unreasonable push for “normalization of relations” between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Russia’s analysis is not incorrect that Hamas launched the massive attack in response to US President Biden’s push to normalize relations with Israel and Saudi Arabia for diplomatic gains ahead of next November’s presidential election.

The war in the Middle East is inextricably linked to the fate of East Asia, especially South Korea. The US aggressor, which has expressed its unwavering support for Israel, dispatched the Gerald Ford nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to Israel, and at the same time conducted US-Japan-South Korea naval exercises aimed at North Korea and brought the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier to the Busan operational base in South Korea. The US has been forcibly linking Hamas to North Korea and deepening its anti-North Korean aggressive manipulations in the wake of this war. It is a reasonable assumption that the US imperialist aggression is planning a war in East Asia in 2024, namely the war in South Korea and Taiwan, following the war in Ukraine in 2022 and the war in the Middle East in 2023.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will surely be liberated. The day is not far off when the US imperialist aggressive forces will be decisively defeated and the anti-imperialist independence forces will have its final victory.

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