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Platform march commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising

On November 17, the World Anti-imperialist Platform participated in the march in Athens, Greece, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising. 

The Athens Polytechnic uprising was a popular struggle against US imperialist backed military junta. Student organizations of the Polytechnic University have been commemorating November 17, 1973, as a historic day, organizing floral tribute ceremonies on campus and marches to the US Embassy every year. 

Earlier in the day, the Platform’s delegation laid a wreath at the monument at the Polytechnic University. After the wreath laying, the delegation marched through the campus chanting “Free Palestine!”. Student organizations responded by applauding the delegation and chanting slogans.

Protest march was held from the Polytechnic University to the US Embassy in Greece from 5pm. The Platform’s delegation carried the symbolic posters of the Polytechnic uprising as well as the portraits of Nikos Zakariadis and Aris Velouchiotis. Holding their party flags and chanting slogans such as “The enemy is one: Imperialism! Defeat to the murderous US-led imperialist axis!” and “Victory to the anti-imperialist forces!”, the delegation marched. 

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