Home World News Europe May Day protest in Paris and Marseille, France

May Day protest in Paris and Marseille, France

The pole of communist revival in France was at the May day protests for the international workers’ day in many cities in France. Our newspaper,Initiative communiste, was focus for the May day on the working class and on the worker’s struggle in France and in the World.In Paris, we were holding the banners “Money for the Wages and the retirement pensions,not for the war neither for the shareholders!”, “Progressive Frexit” and “Ukraine:The nazis supported by the NATO-EU Axis shall not pass, antifascist solidarity with CP of Ukraine”! We were putting forward the necessity to fight back againt the counter-reforms imposed by Macron,MEDEF(French bourgeoisie federation) and by the UE against the workers and to linked theses struggles with the fight againt NATO imperialist drive to war and the sending of weapons by Macron to the fascists governments of Ukraine and Israel.At the end of the protest, we have paid tribute to the  trade-unionists,anti-fascists and communists   who were murder 10 years ago by the nazis-banderites at the trade-union house in Odessa,Ukraine. We were also holding the Platform banner against NATO imperialist war!

The PRCF in Marseille were also protesting for the international workers’day. They were holding the World anti-imperialist Platform “Dissolve Nato!” banner and the Platform Flag.

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