Home World News Asia World Anti-imperialist simultaneous struggle in Gwangju, S.Korea

World Anti-imperialist simultaneous struggle in Gwangju, S.Korea

On May 18, the World Anti-imperialist Platform (the Platform), People’s Democracy Party (PDP), and the Anti-US Struggle Headquarters in South Korea co-organized the events in Gwangju with the sologans “Inherit the Spirit of the Gwangju People’s Resistance!, Overthrow Yoon Suk-yeol!, Withdrawal of the U.S. Military!”. It was held in front of the building of the Jeonnam Provinial Government in Gwangju, South Korea. 

The 44th anniversary of the Gwangju People’s Uprising was celebrated on the day of the struggle. Workers, youth, students, and others participated in the protest, chanting slogans for the overthrow of Yoon Seok-yeol and the withdrawl of the US military, and pledging to continue the spirit of the Gwangju People’s Uprising. The struggle consisted of cultural performances, rallies, and marches, and was held in a heated atmosphere with the people of Gwangju. 

Before the start, the participants had a moment of silence in honor of the martyrs who devoted their lives to the anti-imperialist struggle, and then sang a people’s song “March for the beloved”. 

The cultural performances had with people’s singer Choi Do-eun and Hope Bird.

Choi first sang “The Fighting Spirit of the Revolution” and sang more songs including “May Song 1,” expressing her shock when she first learned of the atrocities committed by Jeon Doo-hwan who was a military dictatorship and the US, and the time she spent fighting to uncover the truth about Gwangju. 

Next, Hope Bird, who returned from a successful tour in Europe with the World Anti-imperialist Platform in March and April, took the stage. The group performed “May Song 2,” “May Song 3,” and “Listen, Yankee.” In particular, the performance with red flags attracted the attention of many people passing by the square. 

The rally was held immediately after the cultural performance. Participants chanted slogans such as “Inherit the spirit of the People’s Uprising in Gwangju and withdraw the US military!”, “Free Palestine!, Victory for Palestine!”, etc.

Meanwhile, the newspaper of the PDP was distributed in the streets. 

After the closing remarks from Joti Brar, CPGB-ML, the participants concluded the march by singing the Internationale together. 

The following is the full text of the World Anti-imperialist simultaneous struggle statement.

[Statement at the World Anti-imperialist Simultaneous Struggle]

The flames of World War 3 are spreading to East Asia

The flames of World War 3, provoked by imperialism, are spreading from Eastern Europe through Western Asia (the Middle East) to East Asia. 

The main culprits of World War 3 are the imperialist aggressors led by US imperialism. 

The war in Ukraine was fought by US imperialism through Nato and the Ukrainian neo-Nazis. 

The war in West Asia is a liberation war to free Palestinians from the oppression of Zionist Israel’s 75-year occupation of Palestine. 

The USA has manipulated the Asian version of NATO and maneuvered the pro-US puppets in East Asia, led by the Japanese militarists, to unleash the war in East Asia against North Korea and China. 

The beginning of war in East Asia is the full-scale launch of World War 3 and the full-scale realization of the New Cold War system. 

Today’s most important task of our struggle is to transform World War 3 into an anti-imperialist war. 

The people of the world defeated the fascist forces through the world’s anti-fascist struggle during World War 2. 

Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance, and the imperialist invading forces must be destroyed. 

Under the banner of “Workers and peoples of the world, unite!” we will expand the world’s anti-imperialist common front, strengthen the world’s anti-imperialist joint struggle, and advance a new world where world independence and peace are realized.

Withdraw the cause of war and the root of all evil, the US invasion army!

Disband the imperialist aggression alliance, NATO!

Disband  the Asian version of Nato, plotting the war in East Asia!

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

May 18, 2024 

May 18 Democracy Square

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