Home Article ‘To prevent war, not just “peaceful” demonstrations, but to get arms and...

‘To prevent war, not just “peaceful” demonstrations, but to get arms and fight, just like the valiant rioters of Gwangju did.’ 

Yeni Donem Publishing (New Era Publishing, Turkey)

Dear Comrades,

On the 44th anniversary of the armed uprising of the heroic Gwangju working people, youth and its valiant revolutionary vanguard against the fascist Chun Doo-hwan government, we would like to express our great pride in being among you.

With the armed uprising against fascism, the heroic working people of Gwangju showed the working class and oppressed peoples of the world the true path of liberation against fascism, imperialism and capitalism.

Dear Comrades,

The rapidly passing through world history is entering a new phase. Events that will affect the whole world, the whole of humanity, are happening so many and so fast that it is almost impossible to keep up with this speed.

Wars, uprisings, revolts, and great revolutionary mass actions have spread all over the world and continue unabated. The imperialists, who have brought humanity to the brink of a devastating war, are in reality no longer comfortable and sovereign anywhere.

There are no longer only wars in the world caused by the imperialists and their collaborator capitalists. Along with these wars, there were also revolts and uprisings, revolutions and revolution attempts against the imperialists, collaborating capitalists and fascism.

Two poles, two different worlds on the earth are at war. On one side are the imperialists, the collaborating capitalists and the fascists they feed; on the other side are the world working class, the toiling peoples, the oppressed poor masses and revolutionary democratic forces.

This is the war between labour and capital, between the imperialist-capitalist system and socialism. This is a global civil war.

This global civil war, that is, the worldwide war of labour against capital, appears in various forms. The war launched by the imperialist states to make sure that they completely get rid of the spectre of socialism by dismembering and pulverizing Russia is a phenomenon of this global civil war. The genocidal war waged by Zionist Israel in the Palestinian territories is another example. The war in East Asia, including South Korea, against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the People’s Republic of China, which they are provoking and preparing for, will be another field of this global civil war.

In order to prevent the destruction of the imperia-list capitalist system and the capitalist mode of production, the imperialist states are taking the war everywhere. Latin America and Africa are other areas of imperialist aggression. We know that they resorted to the most despicable methods to destroy Cuba, which we can call the Commune of the century, Cuban socialism. The whole world knows and sees what efforts they are making to bring their puppets to power in Venezuela, which has a popular democratic government. Likewise, we know that they put great pressure on Nicaragua, which is trying to advance on the path of socialism, and they are plotting conspiracies and coups against other states that refuse to submit to them.

However, all this does not mean that the imperia-list states have the power to do whatever they want. Just the opposite! The imperialist states and the imperialist capitalist system as a whole are experiencing the weakest period in its history, the period closest to destruction.

The concrete proof of this is the huge blows suffered in recent months by the imperialist states, especially by Zionist Israel, which the US-British duo uses as an outpost and a spearhead in the Middle East region.

Dear Comrades

As we all know, the Middle East region is one of the regions that the imperialists attach special importance to. They value it not only because of its rich oil deposits but also for reasons such as inter-geographical transportation, world trade and its military importance due to its geographical location.

The first thing that comes to mind when the Middle East is mentioned is the Palestinian revolution and the Palestinian people’s war against the Zionist-occupying Israeli state. Another important and revolutionary war in the Middle East is being fought in Kurdistan. The struggle for the freedom of the Palestinian Arab people and the Kurdish nation are the two main sources of revolutionary flames in the Middle East. On October 7, 2023, the blow struck by the Palestinian revolutionary forces against Zionist Israel and the war that grew with it put the Palestinian revolution once again at the top of the world agenda.

Zionist Israel, as an artificial state established on Palestinian lands in 1948 as a result of the massacres and displacement of the Palestinian people (Nakba), which has no raison d’être and no rights, serves as a dagger thrust by the imperialist states into the Middle East.

In the UN, along with struggling for the removal of the British imperialists from Palestine, the USSR also pushed for the non-partition and sought to ensure a territorially-integral bi-ethnic democratic state of Palestine in which Israelis and Arabs could have equal rights. Under the influence of American imperialists, the Soviet proposal for the bi-ethnic statehood and territorial integrity of Palestine was turned down and the UN resolution put forward tied as a “package deal” the removal of the British troops to the partition of Palestine. Prioritizing the removal of the British reinforcers of the Haganah, and hence prioritizing the weakening of Ben-Gurion’s army (he was an MI6 agent) even at the cost of official partition of Palestine, the USSR voted for this resolution. That was the story that the USSR supported this artificial state.

From the moment of its creation, the imperialist states have specially armed, supported and protected this artificial state like the apple of their eye. From its earliest years, the state of Israel functioned as a counter-revolutionary anti-communist war machine, a focus of counter-revolution, an obstacle to the USSR’s development of relations with the countries of the Middle East and to the spread of socialism in the Middle East.

Who did the Zionist state rely on in the Middle East when it challenged and recklessly attacked Syria, Iraq, Iran and of course the Palestinian people? Of course, the imperialist states, especially the US-British duo. Zionist Israel is nothing more than an artificial state which is a subcontractor of the imperialist states. It has no history behind it and no future ahead of it.

Knowing this fact, the imperialists have constantly tried to expand the security zone around Israel and to bring the collaborator Arab states closer to Israel. The first concrete fruit of these efforts was the Camp David Agreement. As you know, with the Camp David Accords signed in 1978 between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin, under the mediation and supervision of the United States, for the first time an Arab state officially recognized this artificial state and accepted its legitimate existence on the occupied territories.

However, there were also Arab states that did not accept or recognize the existence of the Zionist state. Syria was one of them. Iraq was another Arab state that did not recognize the existence of Zionist Israel. Reactionary Arab states such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar refrained from establishing close relations with the Zionist state out of fear for their own people. In 1979, with the coming to power of a religious government, Iran, although not an Arab state, became a Middle Eastern (West Asian) state that opposed the Zionist state of Israel for ideological and religious reasons.

But the greatest resistance to this imperialist plan came from the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people transformed their organized and armed resistance, which started from the first days of the occupation, into an organized form with the establishment of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) on June 2, 1964. The PLO was established as an umbrella organization that included many Palestinian resistance organizations.

Many of the Palestinian organizations were influenced by socialism and the USSR, which was a great supporter of the Palestinian people. Organizations like the PFLP defined themselves as Marxist-Leninist organizations. This character of the revolutionary war of the Palestinian people gave the Palestinian revolution an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist character.

Thus, the Palestinian revolution, especially in the 70s, developed along revolutionary international lines. With this characteristic, the Palestinian revolution attracted revolutionary organizations from all over the world; countless revolutionary organizations from Japan to Latin America to European and Asian countries have established ties with the PLO; the PLO trained militants from these organizations in their camps and sent them back to their countries.

The reactionary Arab states and the religious Iranian state didn’t want the growth of the Palestinian revolution in the line of a socialist orientation. Taking the Palestinian revolution out of this line has been the common goal of all these states, which today stand as enemies to each other, and of course the imperialists and Zionist Israel. They all worked together to break the influence of the PFLP and other revolutionary organizations that raised the Palestinian people and turned them into revolutionary people. HAMAS, the child of this common goal, was born in 1987, right after the First Intifada. Or rather, it was created. The Palestinian branch of the Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood), headquartered in Egypt, was transformed into a separate organization under the name of HAMAS as part of this plan. It was equipped with unlimited financial, military and technical means, especially by Iran, Qatar and Turkey. It is now admitted that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu allowed billions of dollars of money to go to HAMAS. This is how HAMAS became stronger. This is how the Palestinian revolutionary organizations were weakened by cutting off all their material and military resources.

HAMAS began to pay its debt of loyalty to Zionist Israel, the USA, Qatar and other reactionary Arab states by siding with the imperialists and Zionist Israel during the religious reactionary attack launched by the imperialists in Syria in 2011. It lasted until it became clear that the Syrian state would win the war. When it became clear that the Syrian state would win the war against the religious fascist gangs, HAMAS began to change sides.

The Palestinian revolution entered a new phase with the October 7, 2023 attack. The deterrence of the Israeli state, the myth that it is an invincible, untouchable state has been shattered. The October 7 attack also deepened the internal conflict and class war within Israel, bringing it to the point of civil war. The Israeli labourers, who had been standing up against the fascist Netanyahu government for a long time, took to the streets with even greater anger after October 7.

To get out of this process, Zionist Israel has resorted to what it knows best: spreading the war, attacking everywhere randomly. This was the only thing it could do to survive. This was the reason for its constant attacks on Syrian territory and the bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Syria. The main plan of Zionist Israel is to spread the war and drag the imperialist states into this war.

Zionist Israel is a focus in the Middle East, fueling and provoking a world war.

Another focus of war is Turkey; the religious fascist government of Turkey. In 2011, Turkey became the main implementer of the war of destruction developed by the imperialist states against the Syrian state. The religious fascist gangs gathered by the intelligence organizations of the imperialist states from all over the world were transferred to Syria through Turkey. Turkey not only hosted them but also personally protected, armed, trained, organized and directed them. It is already known that the war against the Syrian state is being directed from Turkey.

Turkey, with the full support of the imperialists, is waging a total war against the Kurdish Freedom Movement (KFM) to suppress the Kurdish nation’s freedom struggle. As a result of this war, it occupies parts of Syria, Rojava and Iraq. In this war, the government of Southern Kurdistan is siding with Turkey against the KFM. US imperialism is giving all kinds of support to Turkey in order to liquidate the KFM, which has been strongly influenced by Marxism since its emergence, while at the same time penetrating the Kurdistan revolution and trying to destroy it from within. This typical example shows that the imperialists resort to a wide variety of methods in order to remove national liberation movements from the socialist orientation.

Currently, Turkey, under the rule of the religious fascist government, does not limit its policies of occupation, annexation and war to Syria and Iraq. From Libya to the Azerbaijan-Armenia line and the Russia-Ukraine war, from Cyprus to the African continent, it meddles wherever it can reach, wherever it can afford; it provokes wars and conflicts.

But just as Turkey and Israel are the two foci of war in the Middle East, Palestine and Kurdistan, which has been divided and annexed by four countries, are the two foci of revolution in the Middle East. These two people are keeping alive the flame of a great revolution spreading throughout the region.

Not only the Middle East but also the peoples of Africa are mobilizing against the imperialist order of robbery. Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Ghana have begun to expel French imperialism, US imperialism and imperialist monopolies from their lands one by one.

The imperialist states are getting hit from all sides. This is the reason why they are trying to turn the war they waged against the world proletariat and working people, against socialism, into a war of mass destruction between states, a total world war. This is the reason why they act with rabid aggression that brings humanity to the brink of a nuclear war.

Dear comrades,

All these conditions, this whole picture points to one thing: The revolutionary situation has emerged worldwide. There is a revolutionary situation in the world.

The world bourgeoisie cannot rule and maintain its sovereignty with the old methods. They feel obliged to resort to repression, terror, fascist regimes, war and occupation everywhere in order to rule and protect their sovereignty. Gathering all the fascists of the world, organizing and arming them, and unleashing them on the masses of the people in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and countless countries of Africa is the expression and proof of this.

The working class, labourers, oppressed peoples, revolutionary democratic forces, socialist states, and socialist-leaning states of the world are responding to this tendency of the imperialists with revolutionary mass actions, revolutionary wars, uprisings and revolts. While the world bourgeoisie can no longer rule with the old methods, the world working class, labouring masses, oppressed peoples, and poor masses do not want to be ruled as before.

Under these conditions, the main task of the communist parties in imperialist-capitalist countries is to put the goal of seizing political power at the top; and to link all their policies to this basic goal. In the vast majority of imperialist-capitalist countries, the conditions for social revolutions have emerged. This is the basic line of our epoch, of the new phase we are entering.

The essence of the matter lies in the fact that the productive forces that have developed under the capitalist mode of production and have reached gigantic proportions—and the world working class, as the largest and most revolutionary productive force, is foremost among them—are no longer able to fit into their capitalist shells. The productive forces are revolting against the capitalist mode of production, the rule of the capitalist class, and the capitalist private ownership of the means of production; they are breaking the shells of this mode of production that squeeze them like a vice.

That’s why the imperialist states, in the face of the slightest revolutionary development, put aside all their contradictions and conflicts of interest and become “united”; they come together and appear before us in the form of a united counter-revolutionary movement.

While the world bourgeoisie acts in the form of such a united counter-revolution against every revolutionary development, the world working class, labourers and revolutionary democratic forces appear on the stage of history in the form of a united revolutionary force. The Palestinian revolution brought tens of millions of people together, united them and brought them to their feet. European agricultural labourers crossed borders and united in action against the capitalist class. The world working class in all countries is acting in a spirit of international solidarity against the capitalist class.

In order to emerge victorious from this ongoing global civil war, the imperialist states are now trying to provoke a total world war that will lead to the destruction of humanity. This is what they are trying to do in Ukraine. This is what they are trying to do in the Middle East through Zionist Israel. This is what they are trying to do by provoking capitalist South Korea against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Taiwan against the People’s Republic of China.

However, despite all these, we do not consider a total world war that will lead humanity to destruction as a destiny. For all their eagerness and efforts to unleash a total world war, there are some counter-forces forcing the imperialists to think ten times before touching the trigger.

The fact that the working class, labourers and oppressed peoples of the world are in revolt and uprising against capital, the capitalist mode of production, imperialism and fascism is one of the main factors that frighten the imperialists.

On the other hand, the military power of Russia, the People’s Republic of China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea makes the imperialist states and their organization of aggression and war, NATO, hesitate to start an all-out world war.

Despite all the provocations of the imperialists, a total world war between states is not inevitable. This war can and must be prevented. However the way to achieve this is not just “peaceful” demonstrations, but to get arms and fight, just like the valiant rioters of Gwangju did, to fight for revolution and power against imperialism, capitalism and fascism, against the rule of the world bourgeoisie.

Now is the time for revolution!


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