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Rally in front of the UN Headquarters in New York “No Nuclear Pollution Water Release! Down Yoon Suk-yeol!”

On July 6th, the People’s Democracy Party and World Anti-imperialist Platform participated in the rally and march, organized by the New York Global Citizen’s March against dumping nuclear wastewater, with the Korean-American compatriots.  

Participants chanted slogans such as “Stop dumping nuclear wastewater in the ocean!”, “Resign Yoon Suk-yeol!”, “Dokdo is Korean land!”, “No Asian version of NATO!”, “Down with Yoon, war plotter!”

The rally started in front of the Consulate General of Japan in Manhattan and proceeded with a march with chants of “Stop Dumping Nuclear Wastewater!”

Participants chanted, “We want to drink clean water. Japan is polluting the oceans of mankind. No more discharge nuclear wastewater!“ and distributed flyers to passersby. 

The march lasted for about an hour. The participants arrived at Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza in front of the UN headquarters and continued the rally. 

In front of the UN headquarters, they also condemned the connivance of the UN to Japan’s dumping of nuclear-contaminated water.

The participant from the People’s Democracy Party of South Korea, point “Japan is committing the worst crimes against humanity and future generations by carrying out maritime nuclear terrorism. The main culprit of this international environmental crime is the Japanese government, and its accomplices are the US and the ‘ROK’ government of Yoon Suk-yeol.”

She also criticized “Yoon’s pro-Japanese character is from the pro-US and warmongering character. When the ‘ROK’ and Japan colluded, the US formulated the Asian version of NATO, an alliance as like the NATO, through the Camp David meeting in last August and manipulated the war alliance to invade North Korea.”

Finally, she said, “The struggle against the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water and the anti-imperialist struggle have in common as the struggle for the safety and life of the world’s people, targeting the Japanese militarist forces and the imperialist US  and the pro-Japan pro-US Yoon Suk-yeol, who colluded with Japan” and called for fighting together.

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