Home World News Europe SKOJ Montenegro Statement: NATO Killers Never Will Welcome! Israeli Weapons Not Welcome!

SKOJ Montenegro Statement: NATO Killers Never Will Welcome! Israeli Weapons Not Welcome!



The Port of Bar, once the second-largest port in socialist Yugoslavia, the pride of our city and all of Montenegro, a port that once had enormous and diverse imports from all over the world, a port that employed a large number of workers and guaranteed good working conditions, is now a shadow of what it once was. Under pro-imperialist and anti-worker rule, this port has become nothing but a tool for imperialists to import military equipment, cocaine, and health-hazardous ores that no other port will accept.

Yesterday, our mayor, known for spending the municipal budget on his useless travels, received a delegation from NATO’s Joint Logistics Command from Naples, and before that, a delegation from the criminal U.S. Navy along with a large amount of equipment for the “DefenderEurope23” military exercises.

SKOJ Montenegro, as part of the Youth of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform, joins the actions of comrades from all over the world who work day and night to stop the NATO war machine, the incitement of war, and the genocide against Palestinians.

The citizens of Bar were the first witnesses to the NATO bombing in 1999, the first bombs that fell on Crni Rt near Sutomore marked the beginning of the bombing of the entire FRY. Today, these same people watch as those who bombed us and destroyed what we built with our own hands not only freely walk our city but also, with the blessing of domestic traitors, push further escalations.

Let us remember, the people of Montenegro did not willingly join the criminal NATO alliance; we were led into it by the subservient and dictatorial policies of Milo Đukanović, and this continues with the blessing of all other subservient capitalist governments.

We have also received information that the Port of Bar will be receiving American ships with weapons intended for the Israeli army. Since no port in the Mediterranean will accept genocidal weapons, our subservient government will gladly accept them to ingratiate themselves further with their genocidal masters.

If this information proves correct, we will take urgent action and fight to prevent such a disgrace; Montenegro must not be an accomplice in genocide.

Defeat to the imperialist NATO alliance!

NATO out of Montenegro!

The Secretariat of SKOJ Montenegro

July 25, 2024


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