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Platform’s International Conference with French Scholars and Activists in Nice, “Stop Repression against PDP!”

The World Anti-imperialist Platform (the Platform) and France’s leading progressive scholars and activists had an international conference in Nice, France, on September 7.

Anatole Sawosik, head of the Nice branch of the French communist organization PRCF, moderated the conference.

The first speaker, Charles Hoareau, president of the National Association of Communists (ANC), delivered a profound analysis. He highlighted that the establishment of popular governments in Latin America and the emergence of CELAC and BRICS against the international organizations of imperialist powers are clear indicators of the failure of the hegemonic strategy of US imperialism.

Explaining that the imperialist forces such as the US and NATO are deepening and expanding World War 3, he recalled that the Platform and People’s Democracy Party (PDP) had staged a protest against the Hiroshima G7 Summit in May 2023.

The second speaker, Stephen Cho, an organizer of the Platform, said that the PDP is being suppressed by the world’s notorious fascist law, National Security Act, and that the “Republic of Korea (ROK)” is industrialized, but subordinated and deformed, and it is politically very backward. He continued, “The fact that the “ROK” government has simultaneously attacked the PDP, which is on the left of the political spectrum, and the Democratic Party, which is on the right, is evidence that the country is moving toward an extreme fascist system and a strong sign of war and martial law.

He then spoke about the situation of World War 3, saying that the storm of ongoing wars in Eastern Europe and West Asia is blowing to East Asia and Western Pacific. He said that the economic crisis of the imperialist countries is one of the most important causes of the war; and that as the hegemony of the United States is weakening, the imperialist camp is provoking war to weaken China and Russia; “Pacificization of NATO” was strategically promoted and completed this summer; war alliances such as “Northeast Asian NATO,” the SQUAD, and AUKUS were organized in the Western Pacific, and war exercises such as “RIMPAC” were practically carried out this summer; and if the wars in the “ROK” and Taiwan erupts, it is inevitable that the war will expand to Japan, the Philippines, and Australia.

He explained the three goals and two banners of the Platform, the joint struggle and international events such as five international conferences and rallies and demonstrations held since its establishment in October 2022, and its plans.

Robert Charvin, Honorary President of the International Committee for Democratic Rights in South Korea (CILD), followed with a presentation. He is one of France’s leading experts on Korea, having authored several books with in-depth theoretical analysis.

He pointed out that Asia is the most dangerous hot spot in the world, and Russia is not the West’s final goal. Despite the rise of neo-fascism in the West and other countries and the confrontation between Russia and NATO in Ukraine, he lamented the decline of ideology and politics, saying that no party in Europe or France has taken a clear position on international affairs and spoken out.

He explained the ideological trends and historical features of the Soviet Union and Europe after World War 2, as well as the confrontation between the imperialist camp and socialist countries such as the DPRK, Cuba, and China. He also pointed out the current military tensions on a global scale and the seriousness of the problem of reforming socialist political forces. The current situation, limitations, and errors of the communist movement in France were also clearly analyzed.

Next, Farah Ibrahim, a former central committee member of the Lebanese Communist Party, spoke about the situation in Palestine as a symbolic example of the barbarism of capitalism and imperialism and said that supporting Israel is supporting genocide.
She added that US imperialism has constantly fomented military conflicts in West Asia (Middle East) and has intervened militarily in liberation struggles in Iran, Iraq, and Yemen.

Next, Professor Bernard Friot, a renowned economist who was invited to the May Day International Festival organized by the People’s Democracy Party in 2019, spoke.

He explained that a successful struggle in France would have a positive impact on international affairs, that “labor sovereignty” should be strengthened, that workers should be paid for their existence as workers, not for the work they do, and that the revolutionary economic policy of “securité social” should be inherited and developed.
He emphasized that capitalism plays the “card” of fascism or colonialism whenever it needs to, that we must get rid of the remnants of colonialism that instill a sense of superiority in white people, and that communist parties must take the lead in solving the migrant problem.
Finally, the PRCF, a French communist organization, analyzed the current situation in France and the world and discussed the role of communist and anti-imperialist forces.
Its presentation emphasized the importance of a common front and joint action of anti-imperialist forces in France and worldwide in the context of the ongoing World War 3.

The international conference lasted two and a half hours in a passionate and focused atmosphere.

It was the first time that world-renowned scholars Professor Charvin and Professor Friot, key activists from the two leading progressive parties in France and organizers of the Platform, gathered together to analyze the situation of World War 3 and discuss the tasks of the anti-imperialist forces.

The participants also unanimously condemned the Yoon Suk-yeol government’s fascist repression against the People’s Democracy Party, a constitutional and legal political party in the “ROK.”

After the conference, the participants took a commemorative photo of international solidarity with the banner of “Stop US imperialist war drive!” and the pickets of “Stop repression against the PDP!” and “Condemn the Yoon fascist government!”

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