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Demonstrations and International Forum in Fête de l’Humanité “Down with fascist warmonger Yoon Suk-yeol!”, “Condemn the repression of the PDP” 

On 14th September, the People’s Democracy Party and the French progressive forces participating in the Fête de l’Humanité in France, chanted “Down with fascist warmonger Yoon Suk-yeol! Condemn the repression of the PDP (People’s Democracy Party)!” in unison.

With the slogans such as “Stop the Imperialist War Drive!” and “Withdrawal from all US bases abroad!,” Members of the PDP raised slogans such as “Stop the repression on the PDP!,” “Down with fascist warmonger Yoon Suk-yeol!,” and “Abolish the National Security Act!”. 

Bruno Drweski, International Secretary of the French progressive organization ANC, explained the grave situation of the current World War 3, emphasizing the “war in Republic of Korea (ROK)” and the war in Taiwan in East Asia. François Malenon, a youth member of the PRCF, read in French the PDP’s statement issued shortly after the fascist repression was unjustly repressed by the authorities on August 30. General Secretary Fadi Kassem in PRCF and Dimitrios Patelis, a coordinator of the  Revolutionary Unification (Greece), also expressed their solidarity with the PDP under the anti-imperialist banner.

On the 15th, the Forum on the current situation organized by the Communist Party of Belgium (PCB).

Claudine Pôlet, a representative from the Comité Surveillance OTAN (CSO), said, “What is the role of NATO now? It is a tool for war and a war machine. We are facing World War 3. What is the message of the NATO Washington Conference? It’s preparation for a war”.

And “US imperialism has defined Russia, China, and Iran as its enemies. It is a clear message that we will go to a war against a common enemy. The war in Ukraine is not a Russian-Ukrainian war. The NATO-centered system has started the war in the course of its anti-Russian campaign. Zelensky wants to join NATO. The West portrays Zelensky as a Ukrainian hero. The media lies have reached an unimaginable level,” she criticized. 

Next, Joti Brar, vice chair of the CPGB-ML, spoke about the importance of Marxist scientific theories and emphasized the importance of scientific theories to analyze the nature of the war in Ukraine, the nature of the war, and the anti-imperialist struggle. 

PCB representative Vincent Mathieu spoke about PCB Central Committee member Jef Bossuyt, who was denied entry to the Washington International Conference organized by the World Anti-imperialist Platform against the NATO Summit in July. Despite the adverse conditions, he said, the organization was able to organize several events successfully, including the World Anti-imperialist Platform’s international conference in July.

One of the branch leaders of Communist Party of France (PCF) said “Our party has always been at the forefront of the peace movement, but the PCF has never done anything about the war in Ukraine. We must never go to war for our children, for future generations. War is calling for war.”

PCB representative said “France sends not only weapons but also soldiers. Belgium does the same. They say that Ukraine lacks soldiers, but the Belgian army has soldiers who are elected and trained especially for special operations. NATO is already in control of Ukraine, not Russia.”

Stephen Cho, an organizer of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, said, “The current world situation is a world war situation. There were the first and second world wars, and this is the third. To put it metaphorically, the storm of World War 3 is blowing from Eastern Europe through Western Asia (Middle East) to the Western Pacific. This war is caused by imperialism, as it has always been since the 20th century. Imperialism deliberately pursues war to deflect its own political and economic crises for the sake of the high rate of monopoly profits of monopoly capital, for the militarization of the economy and the interests of the military-industrial complex.”

And “The US is trying to provoke the war in the ”ROK“ with Japan as its stronghold and immediately escalate it to the war in East Asia, which Taiwan and the Philippines would join, and then to the Western Pacific war with Australia and New Zealand included. This is exactly the ”Second Pacific War,” a replay of the Pacific War during WW 2. At that time, Japan which was in the fascist camp, waged war against the US, which was in the anti-fascist camp, while now the US, which belongs to the imperialist camp, is trying to wage war against the DPRK, China, and Russia, which are in the anti-imperialist camp.” He analyzed.

After the event, the progressive forces in France, including Fadi Kassem, General Secretary of the PRCF and the Communist Party of France, who participated in the Fête de l’Humanité, Dimitrios Patelis, a coordinator of the Revolutionary Unification (Greece), Joti Brar, vice chair of the CPGB-ML, and PCB representatives and party members, joined the anti-imperialist and anti-fascist demonstration. 

On the last day of the festival, the PDP delegation organized a propaganda campaign at the stand of the PCB, Solidarity Indonesia, and in the central square of the festival.

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