Home World News Middle and South America 900 People Participated in the World Anti-Fascism Congress ‘Condemn the Repression of...

900 People Participated in the World Anti-Fascism Congress ‘Condemn the Repression of Yoon Suk-yeol fascist government against the PDP’ in Caracas

From 10th to 11th September, the ‘World Anti-Fascism Congress’ was held in Caracas, Venezuela. 900 people, including 300 international delegations, participated in the congress.

The congress was organized in response to imperialists’ interference in domestic affairs and the terrorist attacks by the fascist forces against the legitimately elected Nicolás Maduro regime. Participants raised their voices in support of the Maduro regime and anti-fascism in the unity of the peoples of the world.

Delcy Rodriguez, Vice President of Venezuela, emphasized in her plenary address “We must unite as one mind and one soul to prevent fascism from spreading its tentacles throughout the planet. It represents the most serious threat that humanity must face as a consequence of the predominance of capitalism and its neoliberal and imperialist development model.”

Diosdado Cabello, Minister of Interior and Justice of Venezuela, warned “Venezuela is a great laboratory. If imperialism is successful in its plans against Venezuela, it will replicate them in other countries, putting pressure on heads of state, silencing them, and making them accomplices.”

In his closing remarks, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said “The creation of an Antifascist, Anti-Colonialist, Anti-Imperialist International has been proposed to fight for a new world… the proposal is approved. The Antifascist International is created”, formalizing the establishment of an international organization to fight imperialism and fascism.

Members of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Youth (JPSUV), and the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ) along with members of the People’s Democracy Party (PDP), vigorously demonstrated with the banners “Stop U.S. Imperialist Interference in the Internal Affairs of Venezuela!”, “The people united will never be defeated!” and the pickets “Stop the fascistic repression on the PDP!”, “Condemn the Yoon Suk-yeol fascist government!”, and “Abolish the National Security Law!”.

Ricardo Molina, the former Vice President of Venezuela, who attended the Gwangju International Event organized by the PDP in May 2023, also expressed strong solidarity with the slogans “Stop the repression on the PDP!”, “Condemn Yoon Suk-yeol fascist government!”, and “Abolish the National Security Law!”.

The following is the full text of the presentation for the International Conference of the PDP, which was highly praised by international comrades and key figures of the PSUV.

Venezuela people’s anti-fascist and anti-imperialist struggle will certainly win!

The fascist forces in Venezuela are challenging to Venezuela’s democracy by attempting far-right coup. As a result of fascists carrying out various riots and far-right terrorism, and attacking the police, soldiers, and people of the popular government, an extreme situation is occurring in which dozens of people are killed or injured. In particular, the shocking facts were revealed that 80% of 2,000 people, who were arrested in connection with “Guarimba”, were trained in Texas under the US government, and colluded with the drug trafficking paramilitary group of Colombia and the fascist government of Peru. Meanwhile, maneuvers to overthrow the popular government and to illegalize the presidential election are frenetically ongoing in cyberspace. A famous hacker confessed that he had fiercely carried out cyber attacks on the National Electoral Council to manipulate the results with far-right opposition party’s victory, right after the presidential election. This case is only a small part, and the puppets of the US imperialist aggressor forces are still attempting a cyber coup systemically.

It is well-known fact that a puppet master of Venezuelan fascists is the US aggressor force. In January of this year, the US government violently interfered internal affairs of Venezuela by reinstating sanctions on oil and gas transactions, saying that “Nicolas Maduro has arrested members of the democratic opposition and barred candidates from competing in this year’s presidential election.” The anti-government fascists conspired at least more than five times of anti-government coups from 2023 to January of 2024, however, Venezuelan authorities successfully stopped and smashed them. These fascist gangs committed not only violent and criminal acts, but also viciously attempted to assassinate high-level government officials including the President Nicolás Maduro. Although convicting the fascist criminal gangs is completely right thing, the US slandered Venezuela by claiming it was “suppressing the opposition”, and therefore intensified maneuvers of isolation and suffocation with additional economic sanctions and black propaganda mobilizing western media. Collusion between the US imperialist forces and fascists are confirmed by the audio file released by the Venezuelan government in April. According to the file, the ringleader of the fascist opposition begged the US authorities to impose more sanctions on Venezuela until the “total financial suffocation” of the country. According to the Venezuela’s Foreign Ministry, the opposition has persistently requested the US and Europe to impose hundreds of unilateral restrictions on Venezuela.

Throughout history, the imperialist US manipulated pro-US fascist forces, whitewashed far-right coup by “color revolution”, and brutally overthrow democratic government and popular government. In the book titled “Covert Regime Change: America’s Secret Cold War”, an associate professor of Boston University revealed that the US carried out 64 covert regime change actions and 6 open actions – between 1947-89. Among the governments overthrown in the 30 years since the collapse of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, more than 90% have been due to “color revolutions” and the US has waged war or carried out military action under the guise of “anti-terrorism” in more than 80 countries around the world since 2001. It directly caused the deaths of 929,000 people, including 387,000 civilians. Venezuela can never be an exception to the imperialist US, whose nature is domination and plunder.

Extreme risk of the extreme right-wing coup in Venezuela lies in the fact that it is a “color revolution” that took place under the circumstances of World War 3. World War 3, provoked by the imperialist camp, was started from Ukraine War in February of 2022, and intensified into Palestinian War and West Asian (Middle East) War in October of 2023.

One of the characteristics of World War 3 is pro-US fascist forces has been waging aggressive war, claiming to be proxy forces. In particular, Neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine had taken over the power of Kiev through the “Euromaidan coup” – part of the “color revolution, and had massacred tens of thousands of civilians in Donbas civil war for eight years. Subsequently, since February 2022, they have been faithful to the role of a war puppet of the US imperialist aggressor forces against the Russia’s “Special Military Operation”, – which was launched with the purpose of restraining NATO’s advance to eastward, eradicating neo-Nazis, and protecting the people – and are rampaging to expand the war in Ukraine to Eastern Europe. The case of Ukraine shows the dangers of conspiratorial “color revolutions” waged in various countries under the circumstances of World War 3.

Meanwhile, the fascist stirrings, such as the extreme right-wing coup attempt in Venezuela, are being blatantly carried out in “ROK (Republic of Korea)” by the Yoon Suk-yeol government. Yoon Suk-yeol government, which is a pro-US warmonger, pro-Japanese traitor, fascist, and corrupted, is facing the worst political crisis now. The progressive forces urged, “Down with Yoon Suk-yeol!”, and democratic forces including both the progressive and the reformist are fighting for “impeaching Yoon Suk-yeol within 100 days”. Yoon Suk-yeol, in keeping with his true colors as a fascist puppet of the US imperialist aggressor forces, is provoking the war in “ROK”, which would be the ignition of the Western Pacific War, while focusing on fascist repression by slandering the true patriotic forces, which have been fighting for national independence and democracy, and peaceful reunification, as “anti-state forces”. In particular, on August 30, Yoon Suk-yeol revealed himself to be the fascist dictatorship through the search and seizure of the People’s Democracy Party, which is a constitutional political party and the only workers’ party in “ROK”.

Yoon Suk-yeol’s provoking war in “ROK” and fascist repression are steps toward “Wartime Martial Law”. He formed factions in politics and military, reinstated the soldiers who had written the “Martial Law Document” during the last fascist regime, and virtually completed the preliminary work for “Wartime Martial Law” The storm of World War 3 unleashed by imperialism is blowing through Eastern Europe and West Asia to the Western Pacific. The imperialist camp is maneuvering to make the Western Pacific the main theater of World War 3, waging aggressive wars by putting forward the Ukraine neo-Nazis in Eastern Europe, and Israeli zionist forces in West Asia as war stooges. The US formed military alliances such as SQUAD, AUKUS, and “Northeast Asian version of NATO”, and has been carrying out joint military exercises against DPRK and China near the Korean Peninsula and South China Sea, mobilizing East Asian fascist belligerent forces. In particular, the US imperialist aggressor forces, which completed the “Pacificization of NATO” at the NATO Washington Summit in July, organized a multinational joint military operation targeting DPRK, China, and Russia by gathering NATO members and pro-US belligerent countries in the Western Pacific with the Pacific Ocean as their main stage from June to August. The exercises “RIMPAC”, “Pitch Black”, “Pacific Skies”, and “Pacific Dragon” were conducted. Furthermore, the US imperialist forces have presented the Japanese militarist forces as the shock troops of Western Pacific War, organized the fascist Yoon Suk Yeol aggressive group under the Japanese militarist forces, and recently conducted large-scale joint military exercises, including nuclear preemptive strike drills against DPRK on the Korean Peninsula. These facts show that the US imperialist aggression is frantically trying to wage a war in the Western Pacific, the “Second Pacific War”.

And if the “Second Pacific War” outbreaks, Latine America, which borders the Pacific Ocean, will never be safe.

In fact, 10 percent of the US and NATO bases leading this war are located in Latin America, and a significant number of them are located along the Eastern Pacific, stretching from Mexico to Chile. All Latin American countries, including Venezuela, need to recognize the gravity of the situation, and to fight with raising the banner of anti-imperialism and anti-fascism and the banner of anti-war and peace than ever before.

What does the fact that under World War 3 situation, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi, Israeli Zionism, and the Japanese militarist forces are all pro-US fascist forces tell us? The fascists of 20th-century were a variant of the imperialist forces, but the fascists of 21st century are puppets of the imperialism. This is why World War 2 was an anti-fascist war, but World War 3 is an anti-imperialist war. The historical experience that the people around the world fought and won by forming the anti-fascist united front during World War 2 shows that we can only win at the World War 3 when building an anti-imperialist united front and fighting against the imperialist camp.

It is just and inevitable that the people around the world, facing the cataclysmic period of World War 3, repel the imperialist camp through the global anti-imperialist struggle and advance the new era of achieving independent and truly peaceful world. The People’s Democracy Party, which is the only revolutionary party of the people in “Republic of Korea”, and the World Anti-imperialist Platform, which is a cohesive group of the communist parties and anti-imperialist and independent parties around the world, are convinced that the Venezuelan people, who are united under the leadership of President Maduro and the people’s government, who has decided, “I am for the people and will move forward for new victories based on the support of the people,”, will certainly win the anti-fascist and anti-imperialist struggle.

Victory for Maduro! Victory for Venezuela!

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