Home World News Europe NKPJ and SKOJ Stand with PDP in front of the “ROK” Embassy

NKPJ and SKOJ Stand with PDP in front of the “ROK” Embassy


The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ) and the League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) held a protest yesterday in front of the South Korean embassy in Belgrade, in solidarity with the members of the sister People’s Democratic Party, who are under repression by the fascist, pro-imperialist regime in that country. The Party and SKOJ also demanded the repeal of the repressive National Security Act, which targets communists and other progressive forces in South Korea.

As a reminder, on August 30, the South Korean police raided the headquarters of the People’s Democracy Party, as well as the homes of its members, on suspicion of violating the National Security Act. The fascist South Korean authorities, led by President Yoon Suk-yeol, are trying to link party membership with the Korean Alliance for Independent Reunification and Democracy, an organization that ceased to exist eight years ago. In reality, the true goal of this and similar investigations is to strengthen repression against progressive forces and the workers’ movement in South Korea, in order to prevent any resistance to the imperialist war in the West Pacific, which the USA and its satellites (Japan and South Korea) are trying to provoke against China and the DPRK.

Yoon Suk-yeol bases his rule on close cooperation with Japan and the USA, which keep the southern part of the Korean peninsula under occupation. In recent months, these countries have conducted several military exercises aimed at the DPRK, and the decisions of the NATO summit held in Washington in July of this year confirm the imperialists’ intent to create an Asian version of NATO. Accordingly, South Korea, which is already sending weapons for NATO’s war against Russia in Ukraine, is preparing for the possibility of introducing a Martial law. The Martial law would allow the pro-imperialist authorities to more effectively suppress progressive elements whose goal is to prevent war against the DPRK.

The NKPJ and SKOJ support the progressive struggle of the Korean people for national liberation and reunification, as well as all movements worldwide that work to dismantle the imperialist bloc, led by the USA. The World Anti-Imperialist Platform, of which both the NKPJ and the People’s Democracy Party are members, will continue, as before, to gather communist and progressive forces and coordinate the fight against imperialism, occupation, and for the establishment of a socialist system.

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