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Korean situation in the global spotlight … People’s Democracy Party meeting at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

On the 23rd, the People’s Democracy Party (South Korea) had a meeting with the students and youth on the current situation of the “ROK” and the DPRK at Trinity College Dublin, located in Ireland. The meeting was organized by the Trinity College branch of the Worker’s Party of Ireland.

Kim Hye-young, Chairperson of the International Bureau of the PDP, explained the modern history of Korea from the period of Japanese colonial rule to the present. In particular, she explained the efforts and struggles of Koreans to realize peaceful reunification after the division of Korea by US imperialism.

On the other hand, she emphasized that the Korean government’s anti-reunification activities, which deny the peaceful reunification route, are still being seriously carried out, and revealed that the pro-US belligerent Yoon Suk-yeol government is accelerating the fascistization of “ROK.”

Specifically, she referred to the August 30th ‘public security’ crackdown on the PDP 

by Yoon Suk-yeol’s fascist regime and exposed it as a decisive proof that the government is preparing for a “martial law”, a palace coup d’état, and an important sign of the start of the war in “ROK,” which will be a trigger for the East Asian War-Western Pacific War under the conditions of World War 3.

The students actively asked questions. A Chinese student said that the younger generation in the “ROK“ believes that the “ROK” has been decolonized. In the Korean Peninsula, the generations have changed a lot since the war, which is also same in China. How do you instill the awareness of reunification in the new generation?

Kim Hye-young replied, “Half of the repression against the PDP after August 30 was aimed at young students. The enemies must have been afraid of the growing number of PDP’s youth protests.” Kim said, “The Korean people recognize that our nation is one and Korea is one. We educate and organize our people through consistent struggle with consciousness for national independence.” She pointed out.

From the audience, a question was asked, “Do you think it is possible to overthrow imperialism with the progressive ideology of the people in this era?”

She stressed that imperialism is already in a political and economic crisis, a general crisis, and said, “The imperialist forces have tried to deceive the people’s anger due to the polarization of the rich and poor through the two party system of the left and right, but this has long since failed. To escape the crisis, imperialism is waging wars around the world and is preparing for a new war in the East Asia and Western Pacific,” she said, warning of the dangers of a war in the Western Pacific.

She went on to point out the strategic errors of imperialism, saying, “But the imperialist forces are facing a powerful counterattack from the anti-imperialist camp. At the last, she concluded by saying, “I am confident of the victory of the anti-imperialist forces and the defeat of imperialism as progressive people’s struggles against imperialism are taking place all over the world.

At the end of the meeting, the students applauded loudly. The students condemned the fascist behavior of the “ROK“ regime and held up slogans such as “Down with Yun Suk-yeol!”, “Abolish the National Security Act!”, and “Stop the repression against the PDP!” in solidarity with the PDP.

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