Home World News Europe Association Nationale des Communistes Speech In Belgrade Conference: Resistance Against War And...

Association Nationale des Communistes Speech In Belgrade Conference: Resistance Against War And Imperialism Is The Urgency Of The Moment

I am coming from a country with a strong colonial and imperialist past, I am coming from a country where « socialist » MPs voted in 1914 for the world war, I am coming from a country which bombed your country recently, I am coming from a country where the parliament voted very recently, including even the so called Communist party of France MP’s, a resolution demanding France to send more arms to the Ukrainian oligarchic-capitalist-nazi US lead regime in its war against the people of Donbass and for the extension of NATO against Russia.

But I am also coming from the country of the French Revolution, of the Paris Commune, of Jean Jaurès, of Henri Barbusse, of the National Council of Resistance, of anticolonial activities and, as a representative of the National Association of Communists, I want to tell you that we are taking part in a broader social and political movement tending to rebuild in France a class based anti-imperialist working class party, a class movement for peace and social progress. And we managed already to take part in broad protest mass movements, manifestations and strikes which are aimed against growing poverty, growing exploitation, growing political repressions but with growing anti-imperialist and anti-colonial trends.

You surely know France is taking an active part in the neocolonial exploitation of its former colonies and in that purpose organised until now their military occupation. As you know, French occupation troops are now expelled, country after country, from Africa under the pressure of the local patriotically minded masses fighting for their national liberation, for national unity and for social progress. These nations are now stronger due to their own growing consciousness and mobilisation and due to the fact that imperialism is weakened all over the planet because a lot of country gained back their sovereignty and their right for development. In this context the role of such countries like China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, DPRK etc. constitutes an important element which explains the rage of the imperialists and neo-colonialists, especially French and Yankees, against Russia, what therefore also explains the recent vote in the French parliament to domesticate French society, and simultaneously the dignitaries of the official left, in favor of a warlike policy.

But we know from history that when we observe attempts to domesticate a society and its political organisations, it means in fact that the imperialist establishment lives with the growing fear that this society could rebel, and that is, in France as all over Western Europe, the situation we are exactly facing now. Large parts of the French people, of the working people, but including also some national bourgeois elements, are looking to the war of NATO against Russia as a attempt to weaken left from the former French industry and submit the country to global imperialist US interests and ruthless exploitation. And this happens at the very moment when this war appears to the large masses of the world, especially in the East and South of the planet, as a war making possible to transform the unipolar world we experienced since 1991 into a multipolar world, and the US dollar centered world into a world where financial, economical, political, cultural and ideological sovereignty and pluralism should prevail.

This moment of human history is a strategical moment where the destiny of the world will be decided for decades. This moment is a moment of grave peril for all exploited and oppressed countries, nations and peoples since the imperialist based in Washington and Wall street tend to multiply wars all over the world, putting the whole humankind under the threat of a third world war and a nuclear conflagration. Nato’s aggression in Ukraine failed to unite the majority of countries of the world under the banner of the USA/Five Eyes/NATO/AUKUS/EU military and economical complex, but the US are then trying to save their decaying hegemonic position in the world prolonging the war in Ukraine and provoking new tensions, especially in Eastern Asia, in Western Asia and in Africa. And we can suppose they will too try to turn on again the flames of conflicts in the Balkans since they need to cut the gas pipeline bringing energy to Europe from the South as they managed to do with the Nordstream, achieving then the complete enslavement of all European economies to the US expensive energy. This shows very clearly Ukraine was just a pretext for much broader and planetary interests than the question of the local government of this ruined since 1991 impoverished country.

The internationalist movement we are taking part in is representing then the interests of the vast majority of the humanity and, indeed, it has the support of its most dynamic and creative part. It is then a moment of great danger but also of incredible until recently great opportunities. We must then fight back against imperialist worldwide aggressive policies bearing in mind the examples of our revolutionary forefathers and mothers who put an end to World war I and won over fascism in World war II. For every rationally minded people all over the world, it became now crystal clear that the current war in Ukraine is the result of a Western imperialist drive toward world war and a provocation since at least 2014 when the US and their allies financed, armed and organised a fascist-oligarchic coup in Kiev, and that the peoples of the Donbass engaged only then in a war of self-defence and national liberation.

Russia, China and Iran’s ability to defend themselves, to promote new international economic forms of cooperations does not mean they are turning imperialists, since these countries have no bourgeoisie able to carry on such policies and have people formed under anti-imperialist and revolutionary traditions which cannot accept any more imperialist and pro-war policies. Those countries are not pushing humankind toward wars, digital fascism or debt slavery, but they introduce against these trends and on world level new terms of trade and forms of peaceful cooperation that are provoking the rage of the decaying imperialist powers. The reaction of most of the countries, nations and people of the world to the current war in Ukraine shows very clearly that most of them are conscious that every barricade has only two sides and that, this time, we are not dealing with an inter-imperialist war as in 1914 but with a confrontation with imperialism centered around NATO and its imperialist and comprador bourgeoisies attacking the majority of the countries of the world, the working class, the national bourgeoisies and the petty bourgeoisie put by warmongers on more and more precarious conditions of living. This explains also why liberal capitalism is evolving towards increasingly new or renewed old type of fascist methods, of which the Kiev regime is only the leading edge.

Our antiwar and anti-imperialist movement must then actively mobilise the masses in their countries for active and passive resistance against imperialist war efforts and to sabotage NATO’s war machinery in every possible way. We must refuse to arm, fight for or transport arms and soldiers for the Nato/Ukrainian armies. We must refuse to allow US Army occupation bases to operate in our countries. We must counter imperialist propaganda and oppose to the sanctions policies promoted against sovereign and developing countries at the very moment when main imperialist powers meet growing economic crisis and social regress.

The growing role of warmongers and military-industrial complex in the Global West is the consequence of the economic crisis, hunger crisis, environmental crisis created by the decaying capitalist economic globalised system which constitutes the basic reason of all wars. The defeat of imperialism is then the condition for human, cultural, scientific and social progress, and the resistance against it is then the urgency of the moment.

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