Wang Wulang, the Secretary General of the Labor Party (Taiwan), presented on the topic, “Taiwan is against Taiwan independence and intervention” during the third session, “World War and the Tasks of Anti-imperialist forces” in Taipei, Taiwan on Oct 5.
Wang Wulang, the Secretary General of the Labor Party (Taiwan) delivered the report, saying, “The formation and long-term development of the Taiwan issue is the result of US imperialist interference.”
The report consists of
1. What is the Taiwan issue
2. Neo-colonial Taiwan under the Cold War
3. Abouth the US Taiwan Policy Act
4. The harmful reactionary nature of “Taiwan Independence” separatism that lost is subjectivity
5. The Labor Party’s Proposition
He pointed out, “The current situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is that the vast majority (more than 95%) of Taiwanese ancestors come from mainland China. The language spoken and written by Taiwanese today is still Chinese language,” adding, “The essence of the Taiwan issue is simply that ‘Taiwan is part of China and is currently an area that is not fully unified by China.’ Taiwan has never been a country historically and legally.”
He criticized, “American politicians often use the word “aggression” to refer to China’s opposition to Taiwanese separatism, and its promotion of reunification measures. This is not only a malicious fiction by the United States, but also a lie by the United States to deceive the world.”
He argued, “The ‘Taiwan Policy Act’ is precisely a prize in the name of Taiwan for the US to stimulate China and challenge China’s peaceful reunification policy for its own strategic interests. Its aim is to create ‘One China, One Taiwan’ and undermine the internationally recognized ‘One China’ principle.”
He exposed, “In recent years, the US has introduced the ‘National Defence Authorisation Act’, the ‘Taiwan Travel Act’, and the ‘Taiwan Policy Act’, which means the US is changing the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, and creating tension in the region,” adding, “When the greedy imperialist politicians of the United States regard Taiwan as a puppet to block China and sell all kinds of US-style armaments, especially the controversial volcano mine system, the Taiwan authorities cooperate with the US war guidance to enter the ‘universal mobilisation’ law amendment operation, and prepare to collect 400,000 militia members in the name of the strengthening comprehensive defense capabilities, etc., and keep on creating an atmosphere of preparation for war.”
“Our Labor Party stands for the patriotic position of the Taiwanese people, oppose the US instigation of a cross-strait war, the Taiwan Policy Act, and demand the repeal of the Relations with Taiwan Act. We believe that after the reunification, Taiwan will no longer be a ‘neo-colony’ under the hegemonic control and intervention of the US and Japan, and that the people of Taiwan, who have returned to the Chinese national commonwealth, are the real masters of the country”, he expressed the position of the Labor Party (Taiwan).
Below is the full text of the contribution.
• 王武郎(Wang wu-lang)
一、什麼是 台灣問题:台灣問題的形成和長期化是美國帝國主義干涉的結果
「台灣政策法」正是美國為自身取略利益需要而以台灣之名的作奖,藉以刺激中國,挑戰中國的和平統一方針。其目的,是在政治上,通過提昇對合灣的關係,意圖製造「一中一台」,破壞國際上普遍承認的一個中國原則。軍事上,則賦予台灣當局“主要非北約盟友”(mejor Non-NATO ally)的地位,設立所謂“台灣安全協助倡議”,未來4年提供45億美元的“外國軍事资金授助”等,其實是為了更多的售台武器,意圖打造台灣成為巨大軍火庫,成為前線戰場,這明顯的是為軍火工業美國死亡商人賺取利益,2019、2020年都有超過100億美元的對美軍購。
當美國帝國主義貪婪政客把台灣視為阻擋中國的棋子,強銷各類美式軍備,特別是爭議性的火山布雷系統,台灣當局配合美國的戰爭指導進入“全民動員”修法作業,並以全社會防衛韌性之名準備募集40 萬名民兵等,不斷製造備戰氛圍,日愈明顯的戰爭危險性,已帶給民眾不安的心理。