Home Organizations PDP (S.Korea) Decisive victory in the anti-imperialist struggle and continuous advance to strengthen and...

Decisive victory in the anti-imperialist struggle and continuous advance to strengthen and develop the communist movement

People’s Democracy Party’s Contribution to the 4th Congress of Communist Party (Italy) :

Today the world is on the eve of the storm of world war. While in 2022, the war broke out in Ukraine, eastern Europe, in 2023, the wars are on the verge of breaking out in south Korea and Taiwan in east Asia. If the wars in south Korea and Taiwan burst out, the root cause is imperialist provocation as like the war in Ukraine. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the eastern expansion of Nato, the imperialist force including the US imperialist, the massacre against ethnic Russians in Donbass and other regions after the Maidan coup in 2014 and the emergence of neo-Nazi forces controlled by Nato in behind, make Russia to fear that it could be broken up like Yugoslavia one day.

The US imperialist, which promote the secessionist movements in Hongkong, Tibet, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia in China as “Color Revolutions”, uses Taiwan’s secession from China as the detonator for the bomb.

These are the provocations, which extremely stimulate China, that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in the second half of last year and President of Taiwan and Tsai Ing-wen’s visit to US that is proceeded in the first half of this year as well as the US’s arms supply to Taiwan, Japan’s drive to militarization and doubling its defense budget and the deployment of 100 missiles near Okinawa and Taiwan.

The US directly intervened in the south Korean presidential election last year, elected the fascist Yoon Suk-yeol like Zelensky, and makes him insist that “North Korea is the main enemy” and “pre-emptive strike against North Korea.” Above all, it has built the US-Japan-south Korea trilateral military alliance system and leads them to hold the combative nuclear war exercise to invade north Korea day after day. Even now, dangerous nuclear war exercise is conducting with the US nuclear aircraft carrier and stealth nuclear strategic bomber, in south Korea.

If north Korea and China finally hold decisive battle together against the provocation of the imperialist forces including the US imperialist, it will not be an inter-imperialist war, recklessly said by some communist forces, but be a war between the socialist and imperialist, a war for national independence and liberation, and a fatherland reunification war. North and south Korea have been a single nation and the indigenous population in Taiwan is only 2%. Namely, the problem between north and south Korea and the problem between China and Taiwan are the internal affairs of nation, so the foreign powers must not meddle in. As always, whenever north and south Korea, and China and Taiwan attempt to peacefully resolve their internal affairs, it is the imperialist forces including the US imperialist to forcibly intervene and drive the situation to the extreme level. Now in south Korea, the stealth nuclear strategic bomber, F-35, is equipped by the tactical nuclear weapon B61-12 and is carrying out the war exercise to conduct the nuclear war against north Korea whenever.

Italy is the country in which the most B61-12 tactical nuclear weapons are deployed in Europe. The numerous U.S. military bases and lethal U.S. nuclear weapons deployments in Italy, which call into question whether Italy is a sovereign nation, are serious because it is connected with the Middle East, which is in a state of constant dispute, and they are particularly dangerous in the situation where the war in Ukraine broke out due to Nato in Eastern Europe and the war in South Korea and Taiwan are imminent in East Asia. We remember that the heyday of the Italian communist movement went downhill due to the dastardly machinations and barbaric repression of the imperialist powers, including NATO. It is also now all too clear what the infamous “Operation Gladio“, a byword for the “false flag” that often appears in the media in connection with the war in Ukraine, was aimed at. This is why the World Anti-Imperialist Platform set up three main goals, one of which is strengthening of the international communist movement, in addition to the worldwide simultaneous anti-imperialist popular struggles and the ideological struggle against international revisionist opportunist sectarianism, We believe it is important that the independence of revolutionary parties of working class in all countries should be maintained and strengthened, at the same time, that their kinship links with the broad masses of working people are deepened, and that this immense power is transformed into a struggle to end imperialism and capitalism, into national democratic and socialist revolutions.

We sincerely congratulate your Party Congress to hold successfully. PC (Italy), founded in 2009, overcame all kinds of trials and difficulties, saying “the overthrow of parasitic and moribund capitalism to build Socialism-Communism, for the liberation of humanity from the yoke of exploitation of man by man, from injustice, misery and war”, “there is no victory, there is no conquest without a real communist party”, “the Communist Party (Italy) is the avant-garde revolutionary political organization of the Italian working class. It is based on Marxism-Leninism.” The party have proudly declared and fought constantly without submission in the front lines of the Italian communitarian movement.

We believe that PC (Italy) will invariably strike a decisive blow against imperialism and capitalism and defend the working class for the unity, strengthening and victory of the Italian communalist movement, for the victory in the struggle against erroneous ideas and lines within the international communalist movement. And we are convinced that the Party will continue to innovate and move forward to build a society where the working class and the working people become the masters of the government and the means of production. PDP and PC (Italy) together, will vigorously fight for the unity and final victory of the proletariat of all countries.

In Rome, March 25, 2023

People’s Democracy Party

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