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Revolutionary Unification Statement on the Attempted Assassination of Booker Omole, GS of the CPM-K

Back off, assassins! Hands off our heroic comrade Booker Ngesa Omole!

Statement of the Revolutionary Unification on the assassination attempt against comrade Booker Ngesa Omole, General Secretary of the Communist Party Marxist-Kenya (CPM-K)

In the morning of 10 January 2025, 8 armed assassins broke into comrade Booker Ngesa Omole’s house, equipped with night vision goggles and firearms. In the exchange of gunfire, comrade Booker and his comrades managed to neutralise one of the attackers, forcing the rest to flee. The police arrived an hour later, after the assailants had already escaped.

It is now clear that the conditions under which our CPM-K comrades are operating are becoming more and more difficult, with the abduction of their two leaders by the police in November and the disappearances and murders of their members in the preceding riots being followed by the assassination attempt on the party’s General Secretary.

As the Third World War (WWIII) escalates, the peoples of Africa are struggling to throw off the yoke of colonial and neo-colonial dependency/occupation (economic, political, military, etc.) by cutting off the countries at the centre of the imperialist axis from their age-old sources of parasitism, from the multimodal extraction of surplus value through monopoly super-profits, the imposition of “debt colony” regimes, brutal repression, military and police domination.

Now, the US-NATO imperialist axis is seeking to impose a special neo-colonial regime in Kenya, using the “convenient” government to transfer the war bases/occupation troops expelled from the Sahel. Their aim is to turn the country into a war base for their operations in Africa, Red Sea, Indian Ocean, etc.

In this context, no avenue is left unused. The transnational bodies and secret services of the imperialists cooperate directly with the deep state and the criminal underground of the colonially exploited countries, even exploiting the counter-revolutionaries/apostates of the party, those who have betrayed anti-imperialism and communism. The latter make little effort to hide their links with the criminal regime of the Kenya Kwanza coalition and William Ruto.

We know comrade Booker as a brave and unwavering communist, leader of the theoretical and practical struggle of the CPM-K, the vanguard of the people of Kenya, as a protagonist of the internationalist revolutionary activity of the peoples of Africa and the World Antiimperialist Platform.

We condemn this attack, which is aimed not only at the life of our militant comrade, but also at the revolutionary movement and the progressive forces of the Kenyan people for a just and democratic society. It is aimed against the internationalist struggle, against the frontal

struggle of the world anti-imperialist movement led by self-denying revolutionaries like our comrade Booker

We salute the determination of the comrades of the CPM-K Central Organising Committee to protect the safety of the comrades and defend their leadership from all forms of attack.

The example of the selfless and uncompromising struggle of Booker and all our CPM-K comrades illuminates and inspires the struggles of the peoples and youth for the crushing of the forces of the imperialist axis led by the USA and its local instruments, for the victory of the forces of anti-imperialism and socialism in Africa and throughout the world!

The communists have never wavered and will never waver, neither in prison, in exile and under torture, nor under the insidious attacks of reaction, nor on the battlefields or in front of firing squads. They will not be broken even by the systematic use of the axis of apostates/opportunists, who are trying to disarm and undermine the revolutionary movement in the third world war with their fanatical, divisive counterrevolutionary actions, their irrational doctrines of “equal distances” and their brazen attacks.

Assassins, instruments of the oligarchy of capital & of imperialism, back off! Hands off our heroic comrade and brother Booker Ngesa Omole!
Victory to the antiimperialist and socialist forces in Kenya, in Africa and the world! Long live our comrade Booker Ngesa Omole and the brotherly militant CPM-K! Long live the World Antiimperialist Platform!

The struggle goes on! 11 January 2025

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