Platform organizer had a meeting with the Hungarian Workers’ Party

On April 22, organizer of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform, coordinator of the Corean International Forum, Stephen gave a lecture on the current international situation at the Hungarian Workers’ Party.

Before the meeting, Stephen visited the grave of János József Kádár, who was general secretary of the Hungarian Workers’ Party for 32 years when it was the ruling party, and a mousoleum of the workers’ movement at the National Cemetery in Budapest.

He also visited Memento Park. The Memento Park was built under socialism and is the site of statues of Lenin, Marx, Engels and other leaders of the Hungarian communist movement. He recalled that it was his first visit to Memento Park in 10 years and commented on the current state of the park that “I couldn’t help but feel regretful” and “I learned a lesson about how to inherit revolutionary achievements. It is important to us to understand the revolutionary ideas of the working class and to do so in a conscious way.”

In his speech to the Hungarian Workers’ Party, he explained the situation in Eastern Europe, with the war in Ukraine, and in East Asia, with the imminent wars in Taiwan and South Korea.

At the beginning of the speech he stated: “Like Hungary, Korea has been invaded by foreign forces on many occasions. That’s why the Korean nation has always fought against the imperialists and has a strong independent consciousness”.

On the lecture, “The war in Ukraine was clearly provoked by the US imperialism and NATO. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern European socialism, NATO has threatened Russia with a relentless eastward expansion policy”,” 

“The war in Ukraine was clearly provoked by the US imperialism and NATO. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern European socialism, NATO has threatened Russia with a relentless eastward expansion policy.” “The goal of their strategy, as Brezinsky‘s “Great Chessboard,” to bring not only France, Germany and Poland but also Ukraine into NATO aims to Russia. Through the fact that the imperialist forces dissolved Yugoslavia and Nato bombed Belgrade in 1999, it makes us understand the intention of the imperialist powers to dismantle the Russian Federation”, he said.

“China has recognised Taiwan as an inalienable territory since the Middle Ages, and Taiwan’s indigenous population is only 2%. Korea has been a completely single nation since at least 5,000 years ago. As history teaches, the intervention of imperialist foreign powers has led to bloody wars and disorder, and in this course the people have always paid the price”, “The US imperialism, which used nuclear weapons for the first time in the history of mankind, has never stopped trying to invade North Korea since it occupied South Korea in 1945 and has not hidden its diabolical intention to use tactical nuclear weapons against North Korea in this course”, he pointed out. 

Explaining the situation of the imminent wars in South Korea and Taiwan, “It is also the US imperialism that has formed the so-called “the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral military alliance” and mobilizes the US nuclear carriers and nuclear bombers to conduct the nuclear war exercises against North Korea daily. Recently, in February, the U.S.-South Korea joint aerial military exercises with F-35 flights and the U.S.-Japan-South Korea missile military exercises were conducted, and the U.S. nuclear-powered attack submarine was deployed to the Korean Peninsula. In March, the U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises against North Korea, “Freedom Shield” and the remote launch drill of the U.S.-South Korea Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), as well as the U.S.-South Korea “2023 Ssangyong” joint landing drill and the U.S.-South Korea joint maritime military exercises involving the U.S. nuclear-powered carrier “Nimitz” and a nuclear-powered submarine, were staged”, “On early April, it is also the US imperialism to organize the Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s visit to US, provoking China as much as possible, and at the end of April, to make the South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s visit to the US, prompting and provoking North Korea at the peak. The US imperialism intends to complete to form “the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral alliance” and preparation for a nuclear war against North Korea, by Yoon’s visit to the US and the US-South Korea summit. Therefore, it is not surprising that ahead of his visit to the US, he remarked to directly support the weapon to Ukraine,” he stressed.

About the recent struggles in South Korea, he highlighted, “There is no other reason why South Korean people are struggling every week in Gwanghwamun Square in the center of the capital, insisting “Resign the Yoon Suk-yeol government” and “Down with Yoon Suk-yeol”. The South Korean economy, which is subordinated to the imperialist monopoly capital and structurally distorted, is very vulnerable to an external shock. Its vulnerability is further deepened by the IMF crisis of 1997 and the US financial crisis of 2008, and it reached the verge of explosion by the unprecedented “COVID-19 pandemic” and the “three highs panic” of high oil price, high interest rate, high dollar. It is no coincidence that among industrialized societies, South Korean workers and workers in the workplace where there is endless competition and endless exploitation, where they work the longest hours and have the lowest wages, and most of them are temporary workers, record the highest suicide rate in the world. The South Korean people on the brink of the cliff of “hell Joseon” have no other way out but the uprising.They have nothing to lose but their chains of imperialism and fascism.”

At the end of the lecture, he said “we are convinced of the slogans “Proletarians Of The World, Unite” and “ The People United Will Never Be Defeated”. We are convinced of the power of the scientific truth, and the power of working people united around revolutionary party of working class. Under the banner of communism and internationalism, organizing the working people and being in solidarity with the world people, we will build a new society in which the people are the masters of the regime and the means of production.”

The World Anti-imperialist Platform