Visit to Krasnodon and meetings (The Platform delegation to Donbas-3)

On 12th May, the World Anti-imperialist Platform delegation visited Krasnodon, located east of Lugansk.

A simple ceremony was held in the central square of Krasnodon to celebrate the founding of the Lugansk People’s Republic. The most important part of the ceremony was the handing over of Russian passports. The youth representative spoke about the significance of Lugansk’s independence and integration into the Russian Federation.

The delegation visited the Museum of the Krasnodon Revolution (МОЛОДАЯ ГВАРДИЯ, ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ МУЗЕЙ). The museum was introducing the Young Battalion, the heroes of Lugansk. The Young Battalion is a group of young heroes who fought against Nazi Germany during World War II as members of the Komsomol. The museum also introduced the experiences of Krasnodon, who fought against the Ukrainian neo-Nazi army in 2014, to show the historical roots of the Donbas War.

Because Krasnodon is a heavily mined region, there are red artificial hills everywhere, and we visited the battlefield where the Lugansk militia fought against the Ukrainian army.

Afterward, we visited a memorial built on the spot where the members of the Young Battalion were massacred. The members of the Young Battalion were buried in a mine and massacred in 1943, and the memorial symbolizes the scene. The hill next to the tower is inscribed with the words “They can destroy this mine, but they can’t destroy our heart.”

A meeting was held with Boris Litvinov, First secretary of the Donetsk Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF). The delegation introduced Litvinov to the World Anti-imperialist Platform and had an in-depth conversation centered on the situation in Donetsk and Donbas.

On the 13th, the delegation visited Dalevsky National University (Східноукраїнський національний університет імені Володимира Даля) and held a meeting with Vitaliy Kiselev.

Kiselev, who was the former vice-chief of the People’s Militia of LPR in 2014, is now a professor after being seriously injured in the war. He said that in 2014, the Lugansk militia eventually drove the Ukrainian army out of Lugansk, although many commanders and combatants were killed in the fight to liberate the strategically important Lugansk airport, etc. At the time, Russia supported the Lugansk militia by sending humanitarian aid, he added.

As for the latest developments in the war, he focused on Russia’s Operation Kharkiv.

The meeting was followed by a meeting with Evgeniy Miroshnichenko, vice-minister of Education of LPR. The vice-minister emphasized that the Soviet-style education system is being revived, saying that the ideology of education is to love the republic and inherit the revolutionary history.

Around noon, the delegation received some surprising news. The Ukrainian military had bombed the road in Krasnodon that the delegation had visited the day before, the same road the delegation had traveled by car.

The delegation was interviewed by Lugansk 1 Channel about the World Anti-imperialist Platform and expressed their support and solidarity with the people of Donbas.

On the 14th, a press conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform Delegation and by the Luhansk People’s Republic and a republic event were held at Dalevsky National University. During the press conference, the delegation informed the public about the three goals of the World Anti-imperialist Platform and the essence of the ongoing World War III.

The World Anti-imperialist Platform