April World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle in Seoul, S.Korea

On April 8, in front of the US embassy in Seoul, the world anti-imperialist Joint struggle was held by the Platform and the Headquarters of the anti-US struggle. 

The April world anti-imperialist Joint struggles are conducting simultaneously in South Korea in 11 places and 6 cities. 

The participant of the rally in Seoul held slogans “Stop the US imperialist war drive!”, “Stop the war exercise against North Korea!” and “Withdraw all US foreign bases!” 

Chistina Kostoula and George Korkovelos from CPGB-ML attended and made their speech at the demonstration. 

Their speech was as below : 

“Today we show our internationalist solidarity to the Korean people in their struggle against US imperialism. As the economic crisis of global capitalism deepens and the drive to war intensifies, we in the anti-imperialist camp stand together to condemn the US aggressor.

We condemn the US led Nato fascist alliance that is behind the conflict in the Ukraine and is once again threatening your country.

The quest for hegemony and domination will stop at nothing and it is for the sake of humanity that we must unite in a global anti-imperialist movement.

The people of Korea understand more than anyone else the barbarity of the imperialists and we are inspired and strengthened by their resolve to stand up against them.

Our work will grow and it will reach ever corner of the world. The growing alliance between Russia and China offers hope to the people of the world. We are its hope and will work to stop imperialistic superexploitation.

Only through unity of the progressive forces can we achieve victory and a brighter future for our peoples!”

The joint statement “Stop nuclear war exercises. Withdraw US troops from all foreign countries. No more nuclear provocations!” was announced. 

The participants marched through the Gwanghwamun square  to the statue of girl (the statue of peace, memorial of the victims of the Japanese sexual slavery in WW2) in front of the Japanese embassy. 

The World Anti-imperialist Platform