[Aug 2024] The 15th issue of ‘Platform’ is released



On the early and late socialist revolutions and on their subject. On the importance of the Revolutionary Theory Groups

Victor Alexeyevich Vaziulin

[Washington International Colloquium] July 7, 2024 

“Humanity has a chance to break the back of the world imperialist system”

Alexey Albu | Borotba (Ukraine)

Unite all possible forces against NATO and its imperialist war 

Miguel Ángel | Unión Proletaria

UN Press Briefing on Factfinding Mission to Donbass and Moscow

Christopher Helali | American Communist Party (Former International Secretary of the Party of Communists USA)

“NATO is a political-industrial creation of the armaments conglomerate”

Edmundo Albornoz | Communist Party of Ecuador

US imperialism and NATO cannot avoid defeat in World War 3

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

[Washington International Conference] July 8, 2024 

One War, Seven Fronts: US-EU-NATO Imperialist Wars

Christopher Helali | American Communist Party (Former International Secretary of the Party of Communists USA)

“We will continue fighting until we finally see the disappearance of NATO” 

Luis Flores | Popular Socialist Party of Mexico


Ricardo López Risso | Peruvian Communist Party

On the ongoing Third World War

Party of Committees to Support Resistance―for Communism (CARC Party)

The growth of world war and the tasks of anti-imperialists

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

“It is our duty to help in the recomposition of an anti-imperialist, anti-NATO Latin America” 

Luis Aravena | Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

Let us rally our forces in the struggle against imperialism and war

Dmitry Novikov | Communist Party of the Russian Federation

“There is some groundwork laid for the future development of a militant working class”  

Jack Mallgrave | Workers’ Party of Ireland

The struggle against imperialism in Europe

Miguel Ángel | Unión Proletaria

“This 75th anniversary NATO Summit is a grand plan to showcase U.S. and Western imperialist dominance” 

Sara Flounders | Workers World Party

“This 75th NATO Summit is an act of desperation”  

Cody Urban | Resist US-Led War Movement

“A broad anti-imperialist united front is being built across the globe” 

David Savard | Socialist Action for National Liberation of Quebec (ASLN)

NATO’s Nazi Roots 

Gabriel Rockhill | Critical Theory Workshop

Beginning Demise of Western Imperialism

Kil Sang Yoon | Korean Amercian National Coordinating Council

Statement of World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle in Washington DC: Let us bring an end to imperialism with the global anti-imperialist struggle and achieve independence and peace!

Washington declaration: The Nato imperialist alliance can be defeated if we build the worldwide Axis of Resistance!

The World Anti-imperialist Platform