PDP and Youth Platform’s International Solidarity in Avante Festival against Fascist Repression in the “ROK”

On September 7, Voices of international solidarity rang out at the Festa do Avante (Avante Festival) organized by the Portuguese Communist Party in Lisbon to condemn the fascist crackdown on the People’s Democracy Party (PDP) and the Anti-Japanese Action of the “Republic of Korea (ROK).” The Avante Festival is one of the oldest and largest progressive festivals in Europe.

Progressive activists from various countries who participated in the festival said that the imperialists are planning another war in the Pacific, and analyzed that war is imminent in East Asia and the Western Pacific, just like in Eastern Europe and Western Asia (Middle East).

In particular, young activists from progressive parties and organizations, such as the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (Serbia), the PRCF (France), the Italian Communist Party, and the Socialist German Workers Youth, actively stood in solidarity. Many of them are members of the World Anti-imperialist Youth Platform.

They held up a photo of Kim Byeong-dong, the chairman of the regional branch of the PDP, who was arrested under the National Security Act, and chanted slogans such as “Down with “ROK” president Yoon Suk-yeol!” and “Abolish the National Security Act!” and strongly condemned the Yoon government’s fascist repression.

International solidarity from progressive organizations around the world was actively demonstrated. They expressed their support for the anti-fascist struggles of the PDP and Anti-Japanese Action, saying, “We support the PDP,” “It is a time for international solidarity,” and “We will find ways to stand together.

They read the PDP Statement, “The doom of the fascist lunatic Yoon Suk-yeol is near” and emphasized the need for international solidarity and joint struggle, saying, “It is our common task as activists to fight against the oppression of fascism and imperialism.”

The international solidarity struggle at the Avante Festival has strengthened the international solidarity of youth activists around the world and the joint struggle of the World Anti-imperialist Youth Platform.

The international solidarity and joint struggle of the People’s Democratic Party and the World Anti-imperialist Platform continues.

The World Anti-imperialist Platform