ANC and Platform Strongly Condemn President Yoon in Marseille

On September 9, the National Association of Communists (ANC) organized a talk with the World Anti-imperialist Platform (the Platform) in Marseille, France.

Charles Hoareau, President of the ANC, introduced that the Platform is strongly struggling against imperialism and against the madness of war that imperialism has created on a global scale across continents.

After analyzing the situation in Korea and the situation of World War 3, Stephen Cho, an organizer of the Platform, explained the role of the world anti-imperialist forces.

He first exposed that in addition to Ukraine and West Asia, including Palestine, the risk of war is increasing in East Asia, including the “Republic of Korea (ROK)” and Taiwan; that Yoon Suk-yeol of the “ROK”, like Zelensky of Ukraine and Netanyahu of Israel, is an imperialist puppet and fascist; and that the Yoon’s fascist government is trying to start a local war with the DPRK and declare martial law for that “reason,” which is essentially a palace coup.

He said that freedom of thought and expression is not guaranteed in the “ROK” due to the fascist evil law, the National Security Act; that the revolutionary activists, anti-imperialists, and democratic figures in the “ROK” are struggling centered on the People’s Democracy Party; that the fascist government of Yoon is suppressing the People’s Democracy Party and trying to dissolve it; and that even he is suppressing the reformist Democratic Party. He pointed out that it is a typical fascist rule and that this is one of the signs of martial law.

He warned that the current situation is similar to that of World War 2, when there were the fascist powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan, and now there are the imperialist powers of the United States, Europe, and Japan; that there are 55,000 US troops in Japan and 28,500 in the “ROK”; that the US military is preparing to launch a tactical nuclear attack against the DPRK at any time; that “Northeast Asian NATO” was created in August of last year and intensive war exercises were held this summer; and that it is only a matter of time before a war in East Asia breaks out.

In conclusion, he once again affirmed that the crackdown on the People’s Democracy Party is a sign of “martial law,” that people’s democratic forces in the “ROK” are struggling against the war, and that we will not give in to imperialist and fascist oppression and will win the struggle to the end.

ANC president Hoareau emphasized that there is more repression in the “ROK” than is commonly believed, that the People’s Democracy Party is bravely struggling against fascism and imperialism and that international solidarity among the people living in imperialist countries is important.

The participants condemned Yoon’s fascist repression against the People’s Democracy Party and gave them a loud round of applause for their heartfelt support and solidarity.

Immediately after the talk, all the participants took a commemorative photo of international solidarity while holding slogans in French, such as “Disband NATO!” and “Down with the pro-Japanese traitorous warmonger Yoon Suk-yeol!” and “Down with the fascist prosecutor power Yoon Suk-yeol!”.

The World Anti-imperialist Platform