Communist Party of the Galician Republic Stands in Solidarity with PDP

On September 11, the Communist Party of the Galician Republic (PCRG), the World Anti-imperialist Platform, and the People’s Democracy Party (PDP) met in Vigo, the main city of Galicia.
The international secretary of the PCRG expressed his firm solidarity with the PDP which is facing a fascist crackdown by the Yoon Suk-yeol government.
He said, “The PCRG is a Marxist-Leninist party that supports national liberation and is a new organization of Galician communists. We support the liberation of the working class and people. We oppose organizations that oppress the working class, such as NATO and the European Union.”

The PCRG members held a banner of “Disband NATO!” at the iconic Castro Castle, where many people were massacred in the struggle against the dictatorship of Francisco Franco in Spain.

They held pickets with slogans such as “Down with the pro-Japanese traitorous warmonger Yoon Suk-yeol!” and “Stop the fascist repression against PDP!” and chanted slogans in solidarity.
One member of the PCRG said that he was imprisoned for 21 years for fighting for national liberation during the Spanish dictatorship, and condemned the Yoon dictatorship’s fascist and public security crackdown.

A member of the Colombian Communist Party, who accompanied the PCRG members during his visit to Galicia said, “Colombia also has a difficult history of fighting against the fascist dictatorship. It is the innocent people who are victimized and exploited,” emphasizing the urgency and legitimacy of the anti-imperialist and antifascist struggle. He made a video message at the meeting in solidarity with the PDP.
He went on to strongly condemn the fascist crackdown on the PDP. He also expressed his solidarity with the demand for the release of Kim Byeong-dong, the chairman of the PDP regional branch, who is imprisoned under the National Security Act.

The World Anti-imperialist Platform