PLA Daily stressed ‘People’s war theory’

An article that emphasizes ‘People’s war theory’ of Chairmen Mao Zedong is posted on the People’s Liberation Army Daily (PLA Daily), the organ of the Chinese Army.
On the 30th of March, PLA Daily defined People’s war theory as ‘Make up for local deficiencies and disadvantages with overall synergy’ in the article titled “Accurately grasp the inherent requirements of people’s war strategy and tactics”.
PLA Daily clarified that ‘The tactic and strategy require the overall mobilization of politics, economy, culture, and diplomacy.’
It explained the strategy and tactic of People’s War that ‘Emphasis on force configuration in the civilian and military integration’ and ‘Combine military and non-military means of struggle, and various forms of political, economic, diplomatic, public opinion, and military struggle.’
The article stated that ‘The strategy and tactics of the people’s war are the strategies and methods of the just War for national independence, people’s liberation, and national prosperity’ and highlighted that ‘Overall adherence to the fundamental principle of defensiveness’ and ”Active’ defenses’ are products of people’s war.
In a speech to the Communist Party’s National Congress last October, Xi Jinping, chairman of the People’s Republic of China clarified that ‘to develop people’s war strategy and tactics.’

The World Anti-imperialist Platform