To the Communist Party Marxist CPM – Kenya
Dear Comrades
We, Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist (TKEP/Leninist) have learned with outrage that there was an attempted armed attack on the General Secretary of your party, comrade Booker Ngesa Omole.
The Communist Party Marxist-Kenya is the leading force in the struggle against the government and imperialism. That is why the Kenyan bourgeoisie is behind and organizes all kinds of repression and attacks on the leading cadres of the party.
This despicable and cowardly attack by the bourgeoisie was thwarted by the militant resistance of the party cadres and leadership. Communists are not sacrificial sheep! They know how to defend themselves in the interests of the revolution. Our Kenyan comrades have demonstrated a successful example of this.
We have no doubt that the Kenyan Kwanza government is behind this attack. Such attacks have now become commonplace in all capitalist countries. Because the bourgeois classes of the capitalist countries and their governments no longer hesitate to commit all kinds of atrocities, all kinds of crimes against humanity in order to protect their rule.
But all their efforts are in vain. All over the world, but especially on the African continent and in Kenya, which is an important part of it, the working class and the poor working people are rising up to put an end to bourgeois rule, capitalism, all forms of exploitation and imperialism.
As Comrade Booker knows very well, the peoples of Africa are now singing “we are ready for communism”. No attack, no brutality of the bourgeoisie, of the reactionary-fascist bourgeois governments, of the murderous hordes they feed, will stop this march of the working class and the poor working people of Kenya!
Once again, we want to draw attention to the fact that the presence and health of the vanguard communist cadres is of vital importance in the struggle against this brutal order and the imperialist collaborator government in Kenya.
We know that our Kenyan comrades and Comrade Booker are aware of this and we believe that they will continue to take the necessary precautions.
We convey our feelings of comradely solidarity and embrace you with love.
Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist
Central Committee