Statement in Hiroshima, Seoul and Paris “Let Us Crush Down the Imperialist Aggressive Manoeuvres Through the World People’s Struggle Against Imperialism and For Independence!”

On May 19, the People’s Democracy Party (South Korea), condemning the G7 Summit in Hiroshima from May 19, stated the spokesperson report “Let Us Crush Down the Imperialist Aggressive Manoeuvres Through the World People’s Struggle Against Imperialism and For Independence!”

It was announced in Korean, English, French and Japanese.

The representative of National Association of Communists (ANC, France) was in solidarity.

In Hiroshima,

In Seoul,

In Paris,

The statements of each language version are as follows :

Korean / English / French / Japanese


[대변인실보도(논평) 521 – 히로시마평화기념공원앞]

세계민중의 반제자주투쟁으로 제국주의침략책동 분쇄하자!

1. 21일 미국·일본·남코리아의 정상회담이 실시된다. 지난해 11월 캄보디아 프롬펜에서의 3국정상회담에 이어 6개월만이다. 미행정부 고위관계자에 따르면 <경제·안보, 군사훈련확대, 북에 대한 대응>이 주의제가 될 예정이다. 구체적으로 반중국봉쇄책동인 반도체 등의 공급망결탁을 강화하고 반북침략책동인 미·일·남3각군사연습의 확대·강화와 북핵·미사일을 겨냥한 정보공유 등이 논의된다. 이같은 사실은 3국정상회담의 본질은 남코리아전과 대만전을 앞당기기 위한 핵침략전쟁모의라는 것을 보여준다.

2. G7정상회의자체가 핵전쟁모의판이다. 일총리 기시다는 <힘에 의한 일방적 현상변경불허>메시지를 내놓고 싶다고 떠들었다. 일언론보도에 따르면 우크라이나관련 개별성명초안에 <러시아의 불법침략능력을 더욱 약화사기 위해 계속 결속해 제재와 다른 경제적 조치를 가한다>고 명시했다. <현상변경불허>망언은 <하나의 중국>원칙을 부정하고 중국내정에 간섭하며 양안갈등을 증폭시켜 대만전을 앞당기려는 술책이며 우크라이나전의 본질을 호도하는 반러침략책동은 명백히 우크라이나전의 장기화를 추구하고 있다.

3. 동아시아의 평화파괴자는 미·일·남침략세력들이다. G7정상회의기간에 맞춰 감행되는 다국적합동군사연습 님블타이탄의 전개는 핵전쟁연습과 핵전쟁모의가 진짜 핵전쟁을 불러오고 있다는 것을 증시한다. 3월 윤석열방일과 남일정상회담, 4월 대만총통·미하원의장의 반중회동과 바이든·윤석열의 <워싱턴선언>발표, 5월 기시다방남과 남일정상회담에 이은 이번 G7정상회의와 미·일·남정상회담은 제국주의침략세력의 결탁과 <3각군사동맹>강화가 코리아반도·동아시아핵전쟁을 불러온다는 것을 보여준다. 반제투쟁에 나서는 것만이 일촉즉발의 핵전쟁위기를 극복할 수 있는 유일한 방도다. 자주와 평화를 지향하는 남코리아민중과 세계민중들은 반제자주투쟁에 결연히 분기해 제국주의침략책동을 분쇄하고 침략세력들을 척결할 것이다.

2023년 5월19일 히로시마평화기념공원앞

민중민주당(민중당) 대변인실


[Spokesperson Report 521 – At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park]

Let Us Crush Down the Imperialist Aggressive Manoeuvres Through the World People’s Struggle Against Imperialism and For Independence!

1. The USA-Japan-South Korea summit will be held on May 21. It comes six months after the trilateral summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, last November. According to a senior US administration official, “economy and security, expansion of military exercises, response to North Korea” will be the main topic of the discussion. Specifically, strengthening the cohesion of semiconductor supply chains, which is anti-China blockade manoeuvres, and also expanding and strengthening the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral military exercises as aggressive manoeuvres against North Korea, and sharing information targeting North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles will be discussed. This shows that the essence of this trilateral summit is to plan aggressive nuclear war, and to provoke wars in South Korea and Taiwan.

2. The G7 summit itself serves the nuclear war scheme. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stated that he wants to propose the message of “rejection of any unilateral attempt to change the status quo by force”. According to Japanese media, a draft statement on the situation in Ukraine states that “the G7 will remain united in imposing sanctions and other economic measures to further weaken Moscow’s ability to conduct illegal aggression”. The thoughtless remark “reject change of the status quo”, is a tactic to provoke the war in Taiwan by denying the “One-China” principle, interfering in the internal affairs of China, and thus intensifying the conflict between China and Taiwan. The aggressive manoeuvres against Russia, which gloss over the essence of war in Ukraine, clearly aim to prolong the war.

3. Those who are destroying the peace in East Asia are the aggressive forces of US-Japan-South Korea. “Nimble Titan”, a multinational joint military exercise, which will be developed in time for the G7 summit period demonstrates that it is the nuclear war exercises and nuclear war plans which are actually provoking nuclear war. The G7 summit and the US-Japan-South Korea summit, following Yoon Suk-yeol’s visit to Japan and South Korea-Japan summit in March, the anti-Chinese meeting between Taiwan’s president and the US House speaker and the “Washington Declaration” by Biden and Yoon Suk-yeol in April, and Kishida’s visit to South Korea and South Korea-Japan summit in May, indicate that the collusion between the aggressive imperialist forces and strengthening of the trilateral military alliance will lead to a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula and in East Asia. The only way to overcome the crisis of imminent nuclear war is to keep up the anti-imperialist struggle. The people of South Korea and the world who aim for independence and peace will be awakened and must resolutely rise in the anti-imperialist independent struggle to crush the aggressive imperialist manoeuvres and to eradicate aggressive forces.

May 19, 2023 

At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Spokesperson Office of the People’s Democracy Party (PDP)

[Rapport du porte-parole 521 – Au mémorial de la paix d’Hiroshima]

Écrasons les manœuvres impérialistes par la lutte mondiale contre l’impérialisme et pour la souveraineté des peuples !

  1. Le sommet USA-Japon-Corée du Sud se tiendra le 21 mai. Il intervient six mois après le sommet trilatéral de Phnom Penh, au Cambodge, en novembre dernier. Selon un haut responsable de l’administration américaine, « l’économie et la sécurité, l’expansion des exercices militaires, la réponse à la Corée du Nord » seront discutés principalement. Plus précisément, l’extension du blocus du réseau d’approvisionnement de la Chine en semi-conducteurs. L’élargissement et le renforcement des exercices militaires trilatéraux entre les États-Unis et la Corée du Sud contre la Corée du Nord, et l’échange d’informations sur les armes nucléaires et les missiles nord-coréens seront aussi abordés. Ces faits montrent que l’essence de ce sommet trilatéral est de comploter en vue d’une guerre nucléaire agressive pour promouvoir les guerres en Corée du Sud et à Taïwan.
  2. Le sommet du G7 est lui-même consacré au plan de guerre nucléaire. Le Premier ministre japonais Fumio Kishida a dit vouloir proposer comme message de « rejeter toute tentative unilatérale de modifier le statu quo par la force ». Selon les médias japonais, le G7, dans une déclaration séparée sur l’Ukraine continuera d’imposer des sanctions et d’autres mesures économiques visant à affaiblir davantage la capacité de Moscou. Ces remarques pernicieuses sont une tactique pour promouvoir la guerre à Taïwan en niant le principe d’une seule Chine, qui interfère dans les affaires intérieures de la Chine, et donc intensifie le conflit entre la Chine et Taïwan. Les manœuvres agressives contre la Russie, qui font ressortir l’essence même de la guerre en Ukraine, cherchent clairement à prolonger la guerre.
  3. Ceux qui détruisent la paix en Asie de l’Est sont des forces agressives entre les États-Unis, le Japon et la Corée du Sud. « Nimple Titan », un exercice militaire multinational conjoint, qui sera développé à temps pour la période du sommet du G7, démontre que l’exercice de guerre nucléaire et les plans de guerre nucléaire provoquent la véritable guerre nucléaire. Le sommet du G7 et le sommet US-Japon-Corée du Sud, après la visite de Yoon Suk-yeol au Japon et Corée du Sud-Japon en mars, une réunion anti-chinoise entre le président de Taiwan et le président américain et annonçant la déclaration de Washington de Biden et Yoon Suk-yeol en avril, et la visite de Kishida en Corée du Sud et au sommet Corée du Sud-Japon en mai, indiquent que la collusion entre les forces impérialistes agressives et le renforcement de l’alliance militaire trilatérale mènera à la guerre nucléaire dans la péninsule coréenne et en Asie de l’Est. La seule façon de surmonter la menace d’une guerre nucléaire est de maintenir la lutte anti-impérialiste. Le peuple sud-coréen et le monde qui visent l’indépendance et la paix seront éveillés et s’élèveront résolument dans la lutte indépendante anti-impérialiste pour détruire les manœuvres d’agression impérialiste et éradiquer les forces d’agression.

Le 19 mai 2023
Au mémorial de la paix d’Hiroshima
Bureau du porte-parole du Parti de la démocratie populaire (PDP)

[スポークスマンのレポート 521]







The World Anti-imperialist Platform