Statement in Hiroshima, Seoul and Paris “The G7 Hiroshima Summit is the Scene of the Planning of Nuclear War by the Imperialist Aggressive Forces!”

On May 21, the People’s Democracy Party (South Korea), condemning the G7 Summit in Hiroshima from May 19 to 21, stated the spokesperson report “The G7 Hiroshima Summit is the Scene of the Planning of Nuclear War by the Imperialist Aggressive Forces!”

It was announced in Hiroshima (Japan) in Korean, English and French, in Seoul (South Korea) in Korean and English, and in Paris (France) in Korean, English and Japanese.

In Hiroshima

(Repressed by the local police, the English and French version of Spokesperson Report 522 were announced on May 21, which couldn’t be stated on May 20)

In Seoul

In Paris

The statements of each language version are as follows :

Korean / English / Japanese


[대변인실보도(논평) 523]

히로시마 G7정상회의는 제국주의침략세력들의 핵전쟁모의판

1. G7정상회의는 제국주의침략세력들의 선전포고난무장이다. 19일 G7정상들은 대러침략책동을 집중적으로 모의한 뒤 공동성명을 통해 대러경제제재를 망발했다. 구체적으로 국제금융시스템이용제한, 러시아산원유·석유제품에 대한 가격상한제방침지속, 다이아몬드의 거래·사용제한 등이다. <핵군축에 관한 G7정상 히로시마비전>성명에선 북을 향해 <비핵화>를 압박하며 <(대북)제재가 모든 국가에 의해 완전하고 엄격하게 실시되고 유지되는 것이 매우 중요>하다, 중국을 겨냥해 핵전력증강을 간섭하고 <투명성확보>를 떠들며 반북·반중침략본색을 드러냈다.

2. 북·중국·러시아의 반격은 당연한 수순이다. 러시아외무부는 19일 <반러시아제재에 대한 대응조치로 미국인 500명은 러시아입국이 거부된다>고 밝혔다. 중국·중앙아시아정상회의에 참석한 시진핑중국국가주석은 <역내 국가내정에 간섭하고 색깔혁명을 부추기는 외부세력에 단호히 반대하며 지역안보난제를 해결하기 위해 분투해야 한다>고 단호히 말했다. 북은 우크라이나전이 미국의 대러시아압박전략의 직접적 산물이라고 폭로하고 미국과 침략세력들의 우크라이나내 살상무기투입을 구체적으로 지적하며 <이제 정의로운 국제사회가 로씨야의 승리를 위해 용약 떨쳐나설 때가 되었다>가 선언했다.

3. 핵전쟁을 불러오는 침략모의와 침략연습은 동아시아핵전쟁이 임박했다는 신호다. G7정상회의기간 인도태평양지역에선 다국적합동군사연습 님블타이탄24가 실시되고 있으며 회의직후인 5월말 미국·일본·남코리아의 북침핵전쟁연습과 미남합동화력운용연습이 전개될 예정이다. 미제침략세력은 동유럽전의 불길을 동아시아로 기어이 옮겨붙이고 있고 윤석열사대매국호전광은 코리아반도를 제국주의침략세력의 핵전쟁터로 내주고 있다. 남코리아민중의 반미반윤석열항쟁, 세계민중의 반미자주투쟁만이 미국을 우두머리로 한 제국주의침략세력과 윤석열을 비롯한 친미호전무리를 쓸어버리고 코리아의 자주와 통일, 세계의 평화와 안정을 앞당길 수 있다.

2023년 5월21일

민중민주당(민중당) 대변인실


[Spokesperson Report 523]

The G7 Hiroshima Summit is the Scene of the Planning of Nuclear War by the Imperialist Aggressive Forces

1. The G7 summit is awash with declarations of war by the aggressive imperialist forces. After intensively planning the aggressive manoeuvres against Russia, the G7 leaders recklessly imposed economic sanctions against Russia in a joint statement on May 19. Specifically, the sanctions include restricting Russia’s use of the international financial system, maintaining the price cap policy on Russian-origin crude oil and refined oil products and restricting trade in and use of diamonds mined, processed or produced in Russia, etc. They also show their aggressive nature towards North Korea and China through the ‘G7 Leaders’ Hiroshima Vision on Nuclear Disarmament’. In the statement putting pressure on North Korea to denuclearize, they said, “it is critical that sanctions (against North Korea) be fully and scrupulously implemented by all states and remain in place”, while at same time, interfering China’s build-up of its nuclear arsenal and insisting on transparency.

2. Counter-attacks by North Korea, China and Russia are a natural result of the above. On May 19, the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Russia announced that it was banning 500 Americans from entering the country in response to the anti-Russian sanctions. Chinese President Xi Jinping resolutely proposed “to stand firm against external attempts to interfere in domestic affairs of regional countries or instigate color revolutions” and “to strive to resolve security conundrums in the region”. North Korea declared that the war in Ukraine is “a direct product of the US strategy for pressing Russia”, specifically pointed out the provision of lethal weapons by the USA and other aggressive forces, and declared, “it is high time for the just international community to turn out in high spirits for Russia’s victory”.

3. The aggressive schemes and war exercises, driving to a nuclear war, are an indicator of a nuclear war in East Asia. During the G7 summit, “Nimble Titan”, a multinational joint military exercise, is being carried out. In addition, nuclear war exercises against North Korea between the USA, Japan and South Korea, and the Combined Joint Fires Coordination Exercise between the USA and South Korea will be developed at the end of May, immediately after the meeting. The aggressive US forces are fanning the flames of war from Eastern Europe to East Asia, and Yoon Suk-yeol, an obedient quisling and warmonger, is offering the Korean Peninsula as a nuclear battlefield for the imperialist invaders. Only the South Korean people’s uprising against the USA and Yoon Suk-yeol, and the people’s struggles against the USA and for the independence across the world can wipe out the US-led aggressive imperialist forces and pro-US, pro-war gangs, including Yoon Suk-yeol, and thus advance the cause of independence and reunification of Korea and peace and stability of the world.


[スポークスマンのレポート 523]


1. G7サミットで帝国主義侵略勢力の宣戦布告が横行している。G7首脳は、ロシアに対する侵略的策動を集中的に計画した後、5月19日の共同声明を通じて、ロシアに対する経済制裁を無謀にも発動した。具体的には、ロシアの国際金融システムの利用制限、ロシア産の原油・石油精製品の価格上限政策の維持、ロシアで採掘・加工・生産されたダイヤモンドの取引・使用制限などである。「核軍縮に関するG7首脳の広島ビジョン」は、北コリアや中国に対する攻撃的な性格をあらわにしている。その中では、北コリアに非核化の圧力をかけるとともに、「(対北コリア)制裁がすべての国によって完全かつ慎重に実施され、その状態を維持することが重要である」と述べ、同時に中国の核兵器増強に干渉し、「透明性の確保」を主張している。

2. 朝中露による反撃は当然の結果である。5月19日、ロシア外務省は、反ロシア制裁への対応として、米国人500人の入国を禁止すると発表した。中国の習近平国家主席は「地域諸国の内政に干渉し、カラー革命を扇動する外部の企てに断固として立ち向かう」「地域の安全保障上の難問を解決するために努力する」ことを毅然と提案した。北コリアは、ウクライナ戦争が「米国のロシア圧迫戦略の直接的な帰結」であることを明らかにし、米国をはじめとする侵略勢力による殺傷力のある兵器の支援を具体的に指摘し、「ロシアの勝利のために正義の国際社会が意気高く出動する時が来た」と表明した。

3. 核戦争へと駆り立てる攻撃的な計画や戦争演習は、東アジアの核戦争のシグナルである。G7サミット期間中、多国籍合同軍事演習「ニンブル・タイタン」が実施されている。また、会談直後の5月末には、米・日・韓の対北コリア核戦争演習、米韓の共同火器調整演習が展開される予定である。侵略的な米軍は、ついに東欧の戦争の炎を東アジアに広げようとしており、従順な屁理屈屋で温情主義者のユン・ソンニョルは、コリア半島を帝国主義侵略者の核戦場として提供しようとしている。米国とユン・ソンニョルに反対する南コリア民衆の蜂起と、全世界の米国に反対し独立を求める民衆の闘争だけが、ユン・ソンニョルはじめ米国主導の帝国主義侵略勢力と親米・親戦争勢力を一掃し、コリア半島の独立と統一、世界の平和と安定の前進につながる。



The World Anti-imperialist Platform