May World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle – Belgrade, Serbia

The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ), together with the League of Communist of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) joined the worldwide anti-imperialist struggle, organized by the World Anti-imperialist Platform. The protest was held on May 13th on the Slavia square, next to the monument of Dimitrije Tucović, one of the most important Serbian socialist thinkers.

NKPJ and SKOJ sent a strong message from Belgrade against Western imperialism and its alliances such as the EU and NATO. In its speech, the General secretary of NKPJ, comrade Aleksandar Banjanac stated that the NATO and its allies, led by the United States, represent a greatest threat to the world peace, prosperity and undisturbed development. The destruction of Syria, coup in Libya, wars in Iraq, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the aggression against FR of Yugoslavia shows that wherever NATO troops are present, there is no place for peace and justice, but only for further destruction. The current situation in Ukraine is no different. Today, just like 80 years ago, the entire Europe is fighting against Russia in order to plunder the Ukrainian lands at the expense of both Russian and Ukrainian people.

Comrade Miloš Karavezić, the First secretary of SKOJ, stated that the progressive youth of Serbia remembers the atrocities that NATO committed in our country. Despite more than two decades of intensive pro-Western propaganda, young people of Serbia view bot NATO and EU with great distrust. In his speech, comrade Karavezić reminded the participants of the danger of further military actions of NATO, especially against two socialist countries, the Peoples Republic of China and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. The people of Serbia are also in danger, since our southern province, Kosovo and Metohija, are still under the occupation by NATO.

Besides anti NATO slogans, the protesting comrades expressed their solidarity with peoples of Cuba and Syria. The people of Serbia admire the successes of socialist Cuba which managed to resist the 6 decades long blockade. Our comrades also express their solidarity with the Syrian people hit by the February earthquake, which find theirselves in a similar position, due to the blockade from the Western imperialist countries.

The World Anti-imperialist Platform