Historic Washington International Conference “World War 3 and Struggle against NATO and Imperialism” 

On July 8, the Washington International Conference, organized by the Party of Communists USA (PCUSA) and the World Anti-imperialist Platform, was held at the Church of the Epiphany near the White House.  

The World Anti-imperialist Platform was launched at the Paris International Conference in October 2022, followed by international conferences in Belgrade in December 2022, Caracas in March 2023, Seoul in May 2023, and Athens in November 2024. 

The historic 6th International Conference was held in Washington, the heart of the US empire, on the theme of “World War 3 and Struggle against NATO and Imperialism”.

The conference was attended by 33 political parties and organizations from around the world, including Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East.  

Participants analyzed the situation of World War 3 and practically discussed how to develop anti-Nato and anti-imperialist struggles, under the condition that World War 3 broke out with the war in Ukraine and has intensified with the war in the Middle East, and the war is likely to start in East Aasia.

The 6th International Conference was held during the RIMPAC exercises in the Pacific, ahead of the NATO Summit on July 9-11.  

People Democracy Party presided over the conference. The conference was organized in three parts.  

In the first part, there were video presentations from Dimitrios Patelis, Coordinator of the central council of Revolutionary Unity of Greece, Stefan Petrov, international department member of the September 23 Movement of Bulgaria, Joti Brar, Vice-president of the CPGB-ML, and CARC Party of Italy. 

Rafiki Morris, Central Committee Member of the All African People’s Revolutionary Party, and Chawki Irving of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) gave their speeches.  

Speeches from Booker Omole, Vice-president of the Communist Party of Kenya, and Luis Aravena, the Second Secretary of the Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) and the Communist Party of Bolivia, were read. 

Following were speeches by Edmundo Albornoz of the Communist Party of Ecuador and Christopher Helali, the international secretary of the PCUSA.

The second session began with video presentations by Dmitry Novikov of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), Boris Litvinov, First Secretary of the Donetsk Republic Committee of the CPRF, and Aleksandar Đenic of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia. 

Speeches by the Socialist Platform of Georgia, Peruvian Communist Party, Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan CP, Baltic Platform, Workers Party of Ireland, and Jef Bossuyt, member of the politburo of the Communist Party of Belgium, were read.

Presentations from the Black Alliance for Peace, Anatole Sawosik of the PRCF, and Miguel Angel of the Union Proletaria followed.  

The third session began with presentations by Joe Lombardo, Coordinator of the United National Anti-war Coalition; Sara Flounders, International Secretary of the Workers World Party; Cody Urban, member of ‘Resist US-led War Movement,’ Center for Political Innovation; and David Savard, Socialist Action for National Liberation of Quebec. 

Gabriel Rockhill’s text from the Critical Theory Workshop was read, followed by video presentations from Midwestern Marx and Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist.

Yoon Gil Sang, advisor to the Korean American National Coordinating Council, and Stephen Cho, coordinator of the Korean International Forum and organizer of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, contributed. The Nicaraguan Ambassador to the US then gave a solidarity speech.

Historic Washington International Conference “World War 3 and Struggle against NATO and Imperialism” Christopher Helali of the PCUSA read the historic Washington Declaration: The Nato Imperialist alliance can be defeated if we build the worldwide Axis of Resistance!

The World Anti-imperialist Platform