Africa’s Che Guevara, Amílcar Cabral centennial birth celebration … Platform and PDP participate

The delegation of the World Anti-imperialist Platform and the People’s Democracy Party participated the celebration of 100 anniversary of Amílcar Cabral’s birth, who liberated Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde from Portugal and, led Pan-africanism to unite Africa. The celebration was held in Bafatá, Guinea-Bissau, where Amílcar Cabral was born. 

Born in Guinea-Bissau on Sep.12, 1924, Cabral played a decisive role in the complete independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde, located in West Africa, from Portuguese colonial rule and laid the foundations for a new society owned by the people. He was assassinated on January 20, 1973, while leading the African liberation movement, the Pan-Africanist movement with the program to liberate from imperialism. Amílcar Cabral has been called the Che Guevara of Africa.

Amílcar Cabral is a founder of the PAIGC which liberated Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde, and the father of liberation. Also he led the Pan-africanism and practiced, suggesting the “People’s assembly.” 
The unveiling ceremony of the Amílcar Cabral monument took place in the heart of Bafatá, the city where Cabral was born. The event was attended by prominent figures, including former Prime Minister Geraldo Martins, the leadership of the PAIGC, and representatives from international delegations. Members of the PAIGC youth organization and mass people in Guinea-Bissau also gathered to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Cabral’s birth with the installation of the monument.
International delegations included the Democratic Party of Guinea, the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, the West Africa People’s Organization (WAPO), as well as the World Anti-Imperialist Platform and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).
Following the ceremony, the delegations and people marched from the monument to the birthplace of Cabral. Along the march, former Prime Minister Geraldo Martins, PAIGC leaders, and international delegations participated in a tree-planting ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Cabral’s birth.
Upon arriving at Amílcar Cabral’s birthplace, the delegations and citizens viewed an exhibition of photos showcasing Cabral’s life and activities. They then took group photos and chanted slogans, marking the conclusion of the ceremony commemorating the 100th anniversary of Cabral’s birth.

The World Anti-imperialist Platform