Carc Party organized international conference ‘Stalin’s Lessons for Today’s Communist Struggle’

On September 29th, an international conference on “Stalin’s Lessons for Today’s Communist Struggle” was held in Milan, Italy, on the occasion of the publication of the Italian edition of The Complete Works of Stalin No. 13.

Organized by the Italian Committees to Support the Resistance for Communism (CARC), the conference was attended in person or online by parties and organizations including Popular Resistance, the Stalin Association, the World Anti-imperialist Platform, the Cuban Communist Party, The United Socialist Party of Venezuela, the American Communist Party, and the Unified Communist Party of Georgia.

Manuela Maj, Secretary General of CARC, warned that “the genocide that Zionists are perpetrating in Palestine and the war they are extending to the Middle East, the US-NATO hybrid war waged against the Russian Federation through the pro-Nazi Kiev regime, the maneuvers in the Pacific against the People’s Republic of China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the military operations in Africa and Asia, the dirty war against countries like Cuba, Venezuela and so on.”

“The USSR took over the Nazi-fascist aggression and promoted throughout Europe a wide armed mobilization of the popular masses against Nazi-fascism. By promoting the proletarian revolution we put an end to the war or taking advantage of the development of the war we accelerate the proletarian revolution.” she said.

Stephan Cho, coordinator of Korean International Forum said, “One of Stalin’s great achievements was to bring the imperialist US and UK into the antifascist camp, which gave him superiority in forces and isolated the fascist camp, eventually resulting in its defeat. The most important organizational line for the revolutionary forces of the working class during World War 3 is the line of anti-imperialist united front Inheriting the revolutionary essence of the antifascist united front during World War 2 and innovating it to meet today’s conditions the anti-imperialist united front is a revolutionary and scientific line that can strengthen the capacities of the revolutionary forces of the working class, boost the intermediate forces, and isolate and divide the counter-revolutionary forces.”

He continued, “The storm of World War 3, instigated by imperialists, is now blowing from East Europe through West Asia (Middle East) to the Western Pacific. The imperialist camp is expanding the war from East Europe to West Asia and is not hiding a ploy, when the wars in the “Republic of Korea (ROK) and Taiwan break out, to expand these wars into the war in East Asia involving Japan and the Philippines and the war in the Western Pacific involving Australia and New Zealand.”

“It is worth noting that under Stalin’s leadership, the formation of the Soviet Union set a great example of patriotic values, socio-economic strategies and military victories.” said Dayanny Romero of the Communist Party of Cuba.

Alessandro Pascale of the People’s Resistance said, “A common task for communists around the world is therefore to support this axis of anti-imperialist Resistance.”, “Stalin and the Bolshevik leadership group were able to lead the USSR to victory in World War II also by playing on the other contradiction inherent in the capitalist system.”

“It is good to point out that Stalin’s leadership produced a great revolution, which was considered impossible in its early days, leaving us with an example of patriotism and strategic mobilizations for the development of a war industry that ensured many military victories.” said Henrys Mogollón of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela.

Christopher J. Helali, International Secretary of the American Communist Party, said “The ongoing war drive of the US-EU-NATO imperialists has immiserated millions of people around the world.”, “The imperialists are unleashing war in Ukraine, in Palestine, in Lebanon, and the risks are great for war in East Asia and the Pacific.”, and he added, “The American Communist Party, true to the historical legacy of comrade Stalin, understands the importance of uniting forces that are dedicated to anti-imperialism and anti-fascism.”

A solidarity video of Temur Pipia, First General Secretary of the Unified Communist Party of Georgia, who was meeting with the World Anti-imperialist Platform delegation visiting Georgia, was shown at the conference. “We must study Stalin’s experience again and apply our fight for the restoration of socialism based on his teachings because of the Victory of socialism means the victory of the working class.” he said in the video. 

The event was attended by more than 100 participants, who engaged in serious discussions and active responses.

The World Anti-imperialist Platform