
Putin meets Chinese defense minister on ties

From China Military Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu here on Sunday. Asking Li to convey...

April World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle in Belgrade, Serbia

The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ) and League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) together with other progressive and Anti-imperialist organizations, organized a...

Oui, le monde change, mais pas les médias français ! (Yes, the world is changing, but not the French media!)

From ANC (France) French / English (auto-translated) French Oui, le monde change, mais pas les médias français ! Notre « Napoléon le tout petit », qui a tout de même remarqué...

Chinese defense minister to visit Russia from April 16 to 19: Defense Spokesperson

From China Military Upon the invitation of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister General Li Shangfu will pay an official...

Alternative Rouge et Tricolore, renouveau syndical de classe et reconstruction du VRAI Parti communiste ! (Red and Tricolor Alternative, class union renewal and reconstruction of the...

by PRCF French / English (auto translated) French Alternative Rouge et Tricolore, renouveau syndical de classe et reconstruction du VRAI Parti communiste ! La validation de la contre-« réforme » des...

The Labour left still lost in its labyrinth

From CPGB-ML "the Communists" Starmer’s refusal to allow Corbyn to rejoin Labour has highlighted the true loyalties of the party’s supposed ‘left-wingers’. In a recent article...

April World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle in Geneva, Switzerland

On April 8, at the lake Geneva, the members of the Communist Party (Switzerland) the World Anti-imperialist Platform held a demonstration. They held the slogans...

April World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle in Brussels, Belgium

On April 8, at the Mont des Arts in Brussels, the members of the World Anti-imperialist Platform held a demonstration. They held the slogans...

A revolutionary crisis is developing in France

French / English French 18 mars 2023 : Face au nouveau 49/3 antidémocratique de Macron voici la déclaration commune de l’Association Nationale des Communistes (A.N.C.),...


Communist Party (Italy) Italian / English LA FINLANDIA ENTRA NELLA NATO La Finlandia entra nella NATO e i nostri giornali fanno una vile propaganda festeggiando l’evento, nel...

Expansion of NATO Brings New Disaster: International Affairs Analyst

English / Spanish / Russian English Expansion of NATO Brings New Disaster: International Affairs Analyst Kim Yu Chol, an international affairs analyst released the following article titled...

Fermare lo scempio liberista (Stop the liberalist havoc)

Italian Communist Party Italian / English Italian Fermare lo scempio liberista È SPECULAZIONE, NON CHIAMATELA INFLAZIONE Istat, in forte calo il potere d’acquisto delle famiglie -3,7% ( I dati ISTAT...
The World Anti-imperialist Platform