Anti-G7 Struggle in Hiroshima by PDP and Platform (Day2)

On May 20 (local time), the People’s Democracy Party (South Korea) and World Anti-Imperialist Platform entered the second day of their expedition to Hiroshima.

According to local media reports, the G7 leaders decided to strengthen economic sanctions against Russia and to expand the delivery of weapons of mass destruction to Ukraine. “G7 Leaders’ Hiroshima Vision on Nuclear Disarmament” was released.

The expedition team joined the rally in Senda Park organized by ‘the Joint Action Against G7 Summit’ and marched to the summit site.

They held banners with “Stop War Cooperation between the US-Japan-South Korea! No Nuclear War Maneuvers against North Korea!” in English and Japanese and unfurled a “DISBANDNATO” banner

The delegation chanted “Stop U.S.-Japan-South Korea War Coordination! No Nuclear War on North Korea!” and “Oppose the G7 for Asia version of Nato! Withdraw All foreign U.S. Bases!” in Japanese and English, and unfurled “DISBANDNATO” banner.

All participants shouted slogans such as “No to the Hiroshima G7 in Kishida!”, “No to the US-Japan Security Treaty!”, and “No to imperialist America!” according to the slogans of the Japanese agitators.

Charles Hoareau, a representative of the ANC (France), made a speech, “The G7 is a group that was born to serve the interests of capital and imperialism and is threatening peace”, “Zelensky’s participation is a war provocation” and “In the name of the ANC, a member of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform, we call for strengthening solidarity among the peoples of the world.

Then, the spokesperson report of the People’s Democracy Party, “Let Us Put an End to Aggressive Imperialist Forces, Who Are Scheming World War III!” was released. It was also released simultaneously in France, Germany, and South Korea.

The World Anti-imperialist Platform