September World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggles at 5 places in South Korea

From 1st to 10th, the World Anti-Imperialist Struggles have carried out in 5 places in South Korea, such as, in Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi, Jeonju, Chungnam. 

Some demonstrations were organized by the People’s Democracy Party in South Korea, the Anti-Japanese Action, the South Corean Office of WFTU and the Headquarters for Anti-US imperialist struggle. 

In front of the US Embassy in Seoul, the participants chanted the slogan “Opposing the Asian version of NATO between US-Japan-S.Korea!”, “Overthrow Yoon Sukyeol, who is plotting a war to invade the N.Korea!”, “Condemn US-Japan-S.Korea trilateral military alliance!,” “Defeat pro-US and pro-Japan, warmongering fascist Yoon Sukyeol!”, and “Let’s end the US invasion of the world!”

September 9, in Seoul

September 9, Incheon

September 10, Gyeonggi

September 9, Jeonju

September 9, Chungnam

September 8, in front of the Japanese Embassy, beside of the girl statue (commemorating the victims of the Japanese Sexual Slavery in WW2), by the Anti-Japanese Action

The World Anti-imperialist Platform