Philosophy of ideology of the XXI century civilization

Klara Azhybekova | Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan

Modern civilization, being in the conditions of all-encompassing crisis of capitalism, is in a state of self-liquidation within its imperialist phase, in search of a new ideology!

All post-Soviet republics, after the destruction of the Soviet Union, have long argued that there is no need for any ideology, no isms, i.e. feudalism, capitalism, socialism.

No materialism or idealism, and we’re only talking about a legal and democratic society! Soviet people did not realize for a long time that behind these words there was a process of destruction of socialism and transition to criminal feudal capitalism! 

During these 33 years of post-socialism, people realized what a swamp they had been driven into! According to the IMF recommendations, the absolute majority of the republics, having implemented their recommendations on reforming the economic, social, spiritual sphere found themselves with destroyed enterprises, without work, without wages, many simply without a roof over their heads, without access to medicine!

REALIZATION OF THE CRIME COMMITTED AGAINST THE PEOPLES AND STATES has come, but a little late! During these years, the peoples of the post-Soviet space have suffered enough! They went looking for work in Europe, USA, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Australia! But at the same time, pay attention to the MILLIONS of people who went to Russia from almost every republic to the center of their great Motherland! And she accepted, gave and gives work, citizenship! Citizens of the republics that became part of the Eurasian Economic Union enjoy benefits, especially those republics where Russian is the state language! But the West does not sleep! They do not tolerate the friendship and brotherhood between the peoples of the Soviet Union.

They try to quarrel them, organize conflicts and massacres between them! So the war inside Russia itself in Chechnya, conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, inside Tajikistan itself, Moldova and Transnistria, inside Kazakhstan itself, Georgia and Abkhazia, the long processing of Ukraine with the help of surviving Banderites, discrimination of the Russian-speaking population of the South-East of Ukraine, which led to the Special Military Operation of Russia on demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine! 

The entire liberal ideology has collapsed not only in the post-Soviet republics, but all over the world! Moreover, the monopolistic world that emerged after the destruction of the Soviet Union, the dictatorship of the USA state over the rest of the world, the merciless exploitation of the Western powers over the rest of the world does no longer satisfy the proletariat, the workers of the world! 


A contradiction arises between the bourgeois demand for equality and the proletarian demand for equality!!! F.Engels in the Anti-Dühring writes that it must “be realized not only in the sphere of the state, but to be real, it must be carried out in the public, economic sphere!” (F.Engels. Anti-Dühring. K.Marx and F.Engels. Opus, vol. 20, p107-109).

Attempts to de-ideologize the post-Soviet space with the full force of the dictatorship of the neo-bourgeoisie that came to power, created by the West and the traitors of the Motherland at short notice, showed the deception and lies about some de-ideologization of society! In reality, there was an active process of erasing from the consciousness, the spiritual world of people of COMMUNIST IDEOLOGY, of COMMUNIST VALUES! 

Instead, the ideology and values of the criminal bourgeoisie were imposed.

New Constitutions were adopted, new laws were passed, which gradually eliminated the social guarantees and social gains of socialism! 

The post-Soviet neo-bourgeoisie at the same time tried to prove together with the IMF, that supposedly there are progressive reforms in all spheres, that we are joining the Western democratic and legal system! 

But in reality, all the wealth of the post-Soviet republics was exported abroad, financial capital to Europe and the United States, assets of factories and plants! The merciless exploitation of the working masses grew steadily. As Marxists pointed out in their time, that the enrichment of modern capitalists is no less than that of slave owners and feudal lords:

“takes place through the appropriation of other people’s unpaid labor and that all these forms of exploitation differ from one another only in the way in which this unpaid labor is.” (F. Engels. Karl Marx. K. Marx, F. Engels. Opus, vol.19, p.115). Therefore, the attempts of neo-bourgeoisie to prove that they are building a just, equal, democratic, legal society is nothing but lies and hypocrisy!

In all civilizations always dominates the ideology of the class, which at the moment carries out the dictatorship of power! With all certainty we can say that at present the dominant ideology both in the post-Soviet states and in the world in general, except for socialist countries, is dominated by BOURGEOIS IDEOLOGY! Many post-Soviet republics are shamefully silent about it!

After all, they promised to go forward to a democratic state based on the rule of law! And returned to decrepit anti-human, fascist capitalism? It has already outlived its time and must go! Mankind no longer wants to live in a WORLD of EXPLOITATION, COLONIZATION, spiritual and moral regression, greed, fascism, in a world of dissonance of the super-rich and the super-poor, lies and deceit, hypocrisy.

and provocation, dishonor, self-interest, evil, fear for tomorrow! All this is the world of capital! Mankind is on the verge of an ecological catastrophe, with no instinct for survival and self-preservation! Running towards its own self-destruction! What can save us?! There is only one alternative, and that is the transition to socialism by the whole world! The core of this process will be Russia with all its brotherly republics of the USSR! 

The moment has come to speak openly, without shyness about the future IDEOLOGY of the whole civilization, about the future type of states in the world! The name of this ideology is SOCIALIST!

Perhaps it’s a little uncomfortable for many people to talk about socialist ideology, which has been vilified and desecrated for more than thirty years together with the bourgeoisie of the imperialist powers! Now it seems that everyone has seen their true false essence!

If we look at the universal laws of development and the evolution of IDEOLOGY at different stages of development of society, we will see that it changed with the transition from one type of formation to another!! In the primitive communal formation, apparently, we can speak only of the psychology of social consciousness of primitive society, for then there were no opportunities for people to systematize their “world outlook”, for such an opportunity appears only when some part of it begins to engage in intellectual labor!

Such an opportunity arises with the emergence of class society! From that moment the arisen ideology also begins to divide into the ideology of the ruling class and the ideology of the subordinate class! Hence we can differentiate ideologies into the ideology of slave owners and slaves, feudal lords and serfs, bourgeoisie and proletariat, in socialism the ideology of working class and labor peasantry and labor intellectuals!

Under socialism, although classes still exist, but in their relations there are no antagonistic contradictions, no one exploits anyone, property belongs to all the people! Therefore, they have a single “world outlook”, a single ideology!

The theory of communist ideology emerges in the XIX century, the creators were K. Marx and F. Engels. Its realization in practice occurs in the XX century by the leaders of the world proletariat V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin! By them a great socialist civilization—the Soviet Union—is created, in which the ideology of the working class and all the working masses prevails. After the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War against Hitler’s fascism in 1941-1945, the WORLD SOCIALIST SYSTEM emerges in the history of mankind in 1917.

Against the BOURGEOIS ideology appears the COMMUNIST, in its FIRST PHASE—SOCIALIST IDEOLOGY! Between them there is an irreconcilable struggle, but being on the same planet Earth, in the same human society. Capitalism, its dominant bourgeois ideology, which has existed for more than 5 centuries could not live together with the newly emerged communist ideology, which could sweep them off the face of the Earth very quickly! So it put all its efforts into defeat it. Capitalism in the military sphere, when confronted face to face with the Soviet warrior, with the Soviet it suffered a crushing defeat!!!! At that time, all intellectual potential, all financial potential was invested to find victory over socialism and communist ideology! And they found it! Which way? The method of deceit, the method of bribing the top! M. Gorbachev, A. Yakovlev, B. Yeltsin, E. Shevarnadze, Bakatin, young magpies Chubais, Kozyrev, Gaidar, Burbulis, Kravchuk, Shushkeevich and others of local origin! Now they are making up that socialism had outlived its usefulness by that time! Nonsense! More than 500 years of capitalism has not outlived itself, but 73 years of socialism has outlived itself? The socialist era has only just begun its activity for the working masses of the world! It gave real rights for the man of labor: the right to housing, to education at all levels, to medicine, FREE OF CHARGE, GUARANTEED BY THE STATE, the right to work with decent wages at low prices for basic necessities, which were counted in pennies! For example: bread – 16 kopecks (pennies), butter – 68k, milk – 24 kopecks, meat – 85 kopecks, rent for a 3-x room without electricity – 3 rubles, etc. What capitalist society has such prices? Pupils’ notebooks – 5 kopecks, city fare – 5 kopecks! And now? Airfare! Frunze-Moscow – 60 rubles, Frunze-Tashkent – 14 rubles, Frunze-Osh – 8 rubles! Calico – 80 kopecks, crepe de chine – 6 rubles, natural plush – 8 rubles! (1 ruble is 1 eurocent) Electricity – 4 kopecks for one kilowatt, the list can go on endlessly! Let at least one post-Soviet republic say that now under their sovereignty there are all these benefits! In my opinion, Belarus is the only country that has preserved the conquests of socialism! Practically all the republics fulfilled the orders of the CIA, International Monetary Fund on the recommendations of which all high-tech Soviet enterprises were destroyed, with the exception of two republics! We believe that time will come and the most odious ones will be brought to justice for treason against the Motherland, even posthumously!

Since many states are looking for a new ideology to rally their people around it, I would like to dwell on the content of this concept! Although it is noticeable that attempts are being made to unite people around some or several religions or religious ideology! 

Undoubtedly, consolidation of people around some religion is the most convenient for the ruling class! All the more liberal, bourgeois ideology has finally discredited itself and is practically unviable!

As for religious ideology, it gives to some extent adaptation of people to the present very difficult conditions of life on our Planet Earth, because the realization of each person of his defenseless place in this world increases his fear for his children, relatives, close ones, for himself and he accepts these religious values as support and compensation for all the costs of this earthly life!

What is IDEOLOGY? How to determine whether it is a scientific ideology or an unscientific, anti-scientific ideology?

To understand this concept, it is necessary to find out the content of the concept “world outlook”, because these concepts are identical. By “world outlook” we understand a set of principles, views, beliefs, which determine the direction of activity and attitude to reality of an individual person, or a social group, class or society as a whole! We conclude that if the principles concern one person—it is called “world outlook”, if social groups, parties, society as a whole – it is already an ideology? What are these principles, views, beliefs? The core of these principles, views and beliefs are philosophical principles, then political, legal, ethical, aesthetic, scientific and religious principles, views and beliefs! And all these principles can exist both at the level of psychology, ordinary consciousness, and at the level of ideology, theoretical, systematized consciousness!

It is very important to single out the circle of “world outlook”, ideological problems, to which we can refer to

1) the solution of the basic question of philosophy,

2) the concept of development, 

3) problems of the meaning of life and values, 

4) problems of the social ideal.

From the point of view of the first problem, the individual, class, and society may hold materialistic or religious-idealistic views! As an example, we can say that the Soviet society prioritized materialistic principles, views and beliefs. Marxist, materialistic ideology was dominant, while religious idealistic views also existed, but they were like relics of the past!

The second world-view problem determined on what positions does an individual, class or society stand on, the positions of DIALECTICS OR METAPHYSICS? Those who stand on the positions of dialectics believe that everything changes, passes from one quality to a new quality based on the laws of dialectics: the unity and struggle of opposites, which reveals development as self-development without any external push, not needing any supernatural beginning. Further, the law of transition of quantitative changes into qualitative changes and vice versa applies! For example, new information technologies give absolutely new possibilities of communication between people, states, countries! A new quality—the Internet gives a momentary transfer of information to distant distances! 

And on the basis of the law of negation of negation! This law of development shows that development is not linear, but spiral! There are triads, when on the third spiral there will necessarily be a repetition of the first spiral! For example, public ownership of the means of production in the primitive communal system, will necessarily repeat in socialism, passing through the 2nd spiral—private property. And the dialectical negation proves that the progress of society and in other spheres too can be only when the factor of continuity is necessarily present! Progress presupposes taking all the best that was in the past quality. If every new spiral starts from scratch, there will be no development! Post-Soviet states are sitting destroyed, because they wanted to build a new rotten capitalism from scratch! Remember how fiercely they destroyed everything Soviet! Or let’s look at what Ukraine has become! It’s as if everyone’s cerebral cortex has been removed!

This concept of development can be solved from the point of view of metaphysics! Everything must be as God created it! Everything depends only on him! Let’s remember the dogmas of religion! Then we must live in rotten capitalism forever! Or we will change society as we want it to be! What to sit and hope when and who will bring us justice, equality, true freedom and democracy like manna from heaven? Or should we expect it only there in the afterlife? (Not existing from the point of view of materialism).

Undoubtedly, there are certain regular stages of development of society and regularities of their transition from one quality to another quality! In addition to the religious understanding of the development of society, there is also an idealistic understanding from the point of view of both objective and sub-objective idealism! Objective idealism believes that the world is alienated from some external absolute idea, and subjective idealism that the world is a creation of myself! 

For example, the author of the former is Hegel, the second is Hume, Mach, Avenarius, phenomenologists, who speak of a kind of pure, purified from nature consciousness!

The third “world outlook”, ideological problem is the problem of the Meaning of Life! This question is answered and lived according to its understanding by the individual, classes and parties, and society.

If the meaning of life is understood as the vocation, the purpose of any individual, class, party, society—to develop all-round development of all their capabilities and abilities, to make their personal or group, social contribution to history, to the progress of society, its culture, then, it turns out, it is possible to derive several visions, directions of this meaning of life!

The first direction is purely individualistic, selfish, narrow self-interest prevails in everything! This type, of course, characterizes all civilizations where private property prevails! Look at the present civilization! Except socialist states we see how society suffers from pathological individualism: corruption, thievery, bourgeoisie, at the same time a high level of religiosity of the population! The rich bourgeoisie in parliaments pass laws that serve their whims! For example, that after 10 years any crimes are annulled for expiration of the statute of limitations! Very convenient! Use a military coup d’état from a NATO military base, shoot the opposition and the government, use Islamic terrorists to organize inter-ethnic conflict and get into power! Get into the safety deposit boxes, transfer a considerable amount of state money from the banks, appoint yourself President and you’re done! Don’t think that this is a fairy tale! I wonder how the CIA aunt and her associates did it. Probably, the past bourgeoisie behaved so well that the people agreed even with such lawlessness! But the most interesting thing is that the same criminal pro-Western bourgeoisie again wanted to make a coup with the help of Islamic extremists and again sit in the presidential chair, using the already tested version! Fortunately, the pro-people forces came and did not give them a new opportunity to rob the people and the workers. But they tried many times to organize a new coup with the help of war with neighbors! This is an example of the narrow self-interest of the pro-American criminal bourgeoisie.

At any price, even the death of a huge number of people, but to sit in the chair! After all, these coup bandits could not be prosecuted because of the statute of limitations! 

Nothing! The Soviet Union had no statute of limitations for treason and state military coups! 

The second point of view on the meaning of life is a religious point of view, very developed in post-Soviet times! Everything is done only in the name of the Most High, in the name of serving God! For what? To get to paradise in the next world! After all, there is a possibility to go to hell if you serve God wrongly! But he teaches: do not kill, do not steal, be honest and decent, help your neighbors! How is it that in such a super religious society with mosques, churches, synagogues? There are so many thieves, crooks, corrupt, murderers and pedophiles, casinos, drug dealers and addicts. Perhaps it is the other way around? It’s because of this generalized lawlessness. 

That society has such a high rate of religious conversion? 

Science says: “Every religion is nothing but a fantastic reflection in the heads of those who are not religious, of the external forces that rule over them in their daily lives, a reflection in which earthly forces take the form of otherworldly forces.” (F. Engels. Anti-Dühring. K. Marx and F. Engels. Opus, vol.20, pp.328- 330)

It is social forces and causes that prevail: exploitation, oppression, discrimination, poverty wages, legal insecurity, racism, genocide, phobias on national, racial, ideological grounds, unemployment, crazy prices for medicine, education, colonization and ordinary fascism, which prevails in modern capitalism in its state of crisis and agony. Religion will be overcome as all the above reasons are overcome! This is possible only under socialism!

The third point of view on the meaning of life is the altruistic point of view! The individual, class, party, society puts the PUBLIC INTERESTS in the foreground! The interests of the people, society, the state! 

That’s what the Bolsheviks were, socialist states, people of socialist society! And what was the reason for that? PUBLIC OWNERSHIP OF THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION! Plants, factories, hospitals, rivers, lakes, mountains—these are people’s property! Now even pastures have become private, rivers have been taken over too! Soviet people had a collectivist psychology and altruistic thinking and approach! We were brought up from childhood from kindergarten and school with a sense of the Motherland, love for it and responsibility! There were structures for this: October, Pioneers, Komsomol members, then Communists! They took oaths, educated leaders, hikes, pioneer camps, Komsomol construction sites, military training in schools and universities! There were no oligarchs, rich and poor, no palaces or huts! After the Great Patriotic War it was difficult for everyone, how much we had to rebuild! Soviet patriotism, Soviet internationalism, brotherhood and friendship, Soviet mentality, Soviet altruism helped to save the Fatherland, to restore it in a short period of time! Of course, does faith in the Almighty help people in the most difficult moments, especially in times of war, in times of illness? In his time K Marx, when he was still 17 years old in his article “Reflections of a young man when choosing a profession” appears to have written that: 

“History recognizes those men as great who, working for a common goal, themselves become nobler, experience exalts as the happiest the one, who has brought happiness to the greatest number of people; religion itself teaches us that the ideal to which all aspire has sacrificed itself for the sake of mankind” (K. Marx and F. Engels, Op. cit, vol.40, p.7.)

The next point of view on the meaning of life is when both public and private interests will coincide! This is the ideal of the future developed socialist and further communist society! People of communist civilization!

The fourth “world outlook”, ideological problem is the problem of the SOCIAL IDEAL! The modern world gives a huge palette of ideals for mankind in what kind of world he would like to live in! Almost all Islamic extremists want to revive the Islamic caliphate! For the criminal bourgeoisie of the whole world the best ideal of society is modern fascist capitalism in the stage of imperialism! They do not need anything else! 

For communists, socialists, the social ideal is a socialist society, which will smoothly pass into communism! The problems of ideology of all mankind are super relevant today! It is clear to everyone that the ideology of capitalism, liberalism drives mankind to self-elimination! Destruction of ecology of rivers, lakes, seas, rivers, oceans, predatory destruction of nature leads to the elimination of protective forces of the Earth itself from external negative influences from other planets, all of them should be considered at the state level and the whole world to confront this problem! Science must take the lead in solving all our problems! Only scientific approach is the only real way to solve the coming catastrophe on Earth! As K. Marx wrote: “In science there is no high road, and only he can reach its shining peaks, who is not afraid of fatigue, climbs on its stony paths”. (K. Marx and F. Engels. Soch, vol., 23, p. 25).

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