Basque Soldiers’ Day in Basque Country

On September 27, the Basque organization JARDUN held a memorial rally to mark Basque Soldiers’ Day. 

JARDUN holds a rally every year on September 27 to commemorate the fighters who died in the struggle for Basque independence against the Francoist Spanish government.

The World Anti-imperialist Platform and People’s Democracy Party (PDP) participate in the rally.

A solidarity message from an organization dedicated to Irish independence and socialism: “Our legitimate struggles are connected and have a common goal: the true liberation of our peoples, and we pay tribute to the Basque martyrs who have sacrificed themselves in the struggle for decades.” it read in Basque.

Next, a musician took the stage, played a whistle, and read a poem in Basque. The poem emphasized the importance of the struggle, saying that even in the darkest moments, when we are alone in the mountains or in solitary confinement, we are all together with our people and our country.

The rally continued with an Aurescu to the accompaniment of the Alboca. The Alboca is a traditional Basque instrument that sounds similar to a bagpipe, and the Aurescu is a traditional Basque dance of remembrance. Afterward, people offered flowers to the fallen and final speeches were read.

Finally, the Internationale and Eusko Gudariak, a song dedicated to the Basque fighters of the Spanish Civil War, were sung together, followed by chants of “Long live the free Basque nation!,” “Long live the socialist Basque!,” “Long live the Basque warriors!,” and “Long live the honor, Basque warriors!”

The World Anti-imperialist Platform