Platform Colloquium in Washington D.C. : NATO and US Empire

The World Anti imperialist Platform hosted Colloquium on “NATO and US Empire” in Washington D.C. on July 7th. 

The Colloquium got started after holding demonstrations in front of the White House. Amidst an intense atmosphere, the second session was conducted from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.

Joe Rombardo from UNAC, USA, Stephen Cho from Corean International Forum, South Korea, Rafiki Morris from AAPRP, Africa and Edmundo Albornoz from the Communist Party of Ecuador, Ecuador were the speakers in this session.

Joe Rombardo, the coordinator of UNAC, pointed out, “The US has had military interventions about 200 times since World War 2,” and he added, “NATO and the US are losing badly in Ukraine. This (US) government knows that the world is changing that no longer is the IMF and World Bank able to dominate every country in the world.”

He concluded, “The US wants war with Russia, and it wants war with China, if this happens, this is Third World War.”

The presentation of Stephen Cho, the coordinator of the Corean International Forum, continued.

He analyzed that the move to form an “Asian version of NATO” is perilous, as it could be a decisive step towards war in East Asia, where military tensions are already rising sharply, and he added that the current world situation can be summarized in one sentence: “The flames of World War 3, instigated by imperialism, are spreading from Eastern Europe to West Asia and traveling toward Eastern Asia.”
Subsequently, he explained that since the USA and NATO seek to encircle Russia and China by expanding their reach beyond the Atlantic to the Pacific, Russia has responded with a new alliance strategy encompassing Eurasia alongside China. This is why, after his victory in the March elections, Putin first visited China, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and then the DPRK and Vietnam. 

Finally, he emphasized, “We certainly do not want war, and we will make every effort to prevent it, but if war breaks out inevitably, we cannot miss the strategic importance of channelling the momentum of this war into a revolution.
In this sense, facing World War 3, we should refer to both the experience of World War 2, which was an antifascist war, in terms of anti-imperialist war, and the experience of World War 1, which turned the war into a decisive stage of revolution,” and he asserted, “In World War 3, US imperialism and NATO cannot avoid defeat. The final victory of the anti-imperialist camp is certain.

Rafiki Morris, the member of the central committee of the AAPRP, started with saying, “We are viewing this question of NATO from a slightly different perspective.”

“We see NATO as nothing more than extension of US military might. It is part and parcel of the US military industrial police command structure. It is propped up and informed by the FBI, CIA, MOSSAD, and other capitalist, imperialist intelligence agencies, and it is part and parcel of global attempt to dominate the planet by 32 countries in Western Europe.” he added.

Next, Edmundo Albornoz, the member of the Communist Party of Ecuador, stated that NATO is a global military industrial system includes the entire armies, factories and political systems of countries, and it is a system of war and terror. He also highlighted that global military expenditures for the military industry sector were estimated to be more than 1,000 billion dollars. The US is leader in this military industrial system. 

In the follow-up Q&A session, regarding the question – Donald Trump had a meeting with leader Kim Jong Un twice. Do you think those meetings and what Trump did authentic? – Joe Rombardo, the coordinator of UNAC, responded that Democratic and Republican parties are actually one party, and that he does not think the US electoral system or the US politicians are sincere about anything.

On the other hand, Stephen Cho, the coordinator of the Corean International Forum, offered his analysis on the same question. He stated, “Trump met with the DPRK leader as the president of the US, the head of imperialism.” He added, “Sincerity is only demonstrated through actions.”

Cho also emphasized, “Trump has not demonstrated anything beyond meeting with Chairman Kim Jong Un. However, if Trump elected, unlike Biden, there is no doubt he will engage in dialogue with DPRK, because he has proven it by action with two summits and one meeting.””For now, we believe DPRK will respond to this meeting.”

Concerning another question – What are your thoughts on the economic ties that are being developed outside of the Empire (the US) thinking of either the Belt and Road Initiative or the growth of BRICS? – Rafiki Morris, the member of the central committee of the AAPRP, answered that Lenin did not say imperialism is this that the other.

He pointed “When they build a road from China to Saudi Arabia or to Gaza, they break a crack in the monopoly. When they begin through BRICS to set up alternate economic systems that they could use.” In addition, he emphasized that “one Belt and one Road Initiative is creating infrastructure in countries where the imperialist have destroyed all infrastructure.”

The World Anti-imperialist Platform