A right-wing coup is taking place in Venezuela. On the 17th, the People’s Democracy Party (PDP) organized a “Viva Maduro!” party rally in front of the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, South Korea.
Party members shouted slogans such as “Hands off Venezuela!”, “We condemn US imperialism behind the coup!”, and “The Bolivarian Revolution must win!”.
One of the members of the PDP said “The current right-wing coup in Venezuela can be defined as a so-called ‘color revolution’ supported by US imperialism that seeks to overthrow the popular government. In Ukraine, for example, after the Euromaidan coup d’état in 2014, which was part of the “color revolution,” massacres were committed in Odessa, Donbas, and other places, and the war in Ukraine is spreading to Eastern Europe. The imperialists have manipulated so-called “color revolutions” not only in Ukraine but also in many countries with democratic governments, including Georgia and Bangladesh. In Venezuela, the US-backed fascists are using these color revolutions to overturn the legitimate results of the presidential election.”
And “As long as imperialism exists on the planet, we will never be free from interference, exploitation, fascism, domination, occupation, and subordination. In particular, we can never be free from war. It is time to overthrow imperialism with a broad global anti-imperialist struggle for the sovereignty and peace of the people of Venezuela, the people of Donbas, the people of Palestine, and the people of Korea. We are all people in Venezuela, Donbas, Palestinian, and Korean who are not afraid of imperialism and are ready to fight against all imperialist wars of aggression. Finally, we, the People’s Democracy Party, appeal to the anti-imperialist forces around the world. Let’s unite, and we will surely overthrow imperialism and usher in a new world of sovereignty and peace,” he concluded.
As of this date, the PDP’s political party rally in front of the US Embassy has been going on for 1993 days.