
April World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle in Brussels, Belgium

On April 8, at the Mont des Arts in Brussels, the members of the World Anti-imperialist Platform held a demonstration. They held the slogans...

A revolutionary crisis is developing in France

French / English French 18 mars 2023 : Face au nouveau 49/3 antidémocratique de Macron voici la déclaration commune de l’Association Nationale des Communistes (A.N.C.),...


Communist Party (Italy) Italian / English LA FINLANDIA ENTRA NELLA NATO La Finlandia entra nella NATO e i nostri giornali fanno una vile propaganda festeggiando l’evento, nel...

Expansion of NATO Brings New Disaster: International Affairs Analyst

English / Spanish / Russian English Expansion of NATO Brings New Disaster: International Affairs Analyst Kim Yu Chol, an international affairs analyst released the following article titled...

Fermare lo scempio liberista (Stop the liberalist havoc)

Italian Communist Party Italian / English Italian Fermare lo scempio liberista È SPECULAZIONE, NON CHIAMATELA INFLAZIONE Istat, in forte calo il potere d’acquisto delle famiglie -3,7% ( I dati ISTAT...

Workers across Europe share the goal of defeating both the EU imperialist bloc and the US-led Nato war machine.

The following greeting was delivered by Comrade George Korkovelos on behalf of our party at the recent congress of the Communist Party (Italy) in...

La ligne rouge nucléaire de Poutine (Putin’s nuclear red line)

French / English French “La Russie déploiera ses armes nucléaires tactiques en Biélorussie à la demande de Minsk” annonce le président Poutine. “En réalité -clarifie-t-il- nous...

April World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle in Paris, France

On April 2, World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle was held in Paris, France. ANC and PRCF, which are the member organizations of the Platform, hosted together. They...

April World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle in Frankfurt, Germany

On April 1, World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle was held in Frankfurt, Germany. Communist Party of Germany and World Anti-imperialist Platform hosted together. They announced...

Sullo sciopero del 29 marzo alla Piaggio (On the March 29 strike at Piaggio)

Italian / English Italian Sullo sciopero del 29 marzo alla Piaggio La piattaforma con la quale la RSU USB Piaggio ha chiamato i lavoratori allo sciopero...

« Essayez donc la dictature ! » : répression et police politique déchainées contre la Nation, Macron joint la parole aux actes

Que ce soit en 2017 ou en 2022, les communistes avec le PRCF avaient pris leur responsabilités : ils avaient dénoncé le régime Macron,...

Credit Suisse’s bankruptcy: a sellout elite is undermining the Swiss Confederation’s economic stability

The Communist Party (Switzerland) learned with dismay, but not surprise, of the situation that arose with the collapse of the financial institution Credit Suisse...
The World Anti-imperialist Platform